13. Finally Home pt 2

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Gabbi's Pov

I feel asleep so quickly even I was a little astonished and I dreamed that I got invited to Rainbow Dashes home and we had a tea party with all her 5 other gorl friends then we all had a sleepover and after that dream I had another dream. And in that dream Daddy said he didn't want me any more and that he was tired of me and he punched my stomach so hard that I coughed out some blood and he dragged me by me hair to my parents home and told them that I was the absolute worst and he didn't love me anymore and he never loved me in the first place he said that no one loved me because I'm to ugly and that I was just un loveable I was a a fat pig that should live in the sewers were no body could ever see me. My parents all agreed and added more fuel to fire by saying that I acted likely a little fat baby and Benjaminn came out of the abyss and agreed saying that I was the dumbest person he ever met also the worst friend ever that's why no one was my friend I was to clingy and do reliant on them and anyone could easily coax me into doing anything. And they all started laughing at me and I tried apologizing to them but they didn't care at all then Daddy pushed me to the floor ad they all started to kicked or step on me and I cried and screamed and begged them to stop but they didn't listen and only laughed at me while beating me up.
Then I heard an ominous deep but gentle voice saying

"Baby Baby its ok ever-

No nobody loves you we all wish you weren't in our lives we wis-

Baby sto-


I didn't know what was real and what was fake one sounded like the real Daddy and the other one sounded like a horrible mean person.
Then I felt my self being shook and I jerked up and started crying and shaking.

∞ Daddy
≈ Gabbi

≈ Daddyyyyyy Daddyyyyy* grasps onto his jacket*

∞Shhhhh its ok it was all a bad dream, whatever happened was all just a dream

≈ B-b-but but dey swad dat dat wu hated me and n-not not wove me anymoreeeee

∞ NOOOO baby that is all wrong ...who said that?

≈ Wuuu and Mom and Fader and and Benjamwinnnnnnin my dweam

∞ No baby no they are all wrong we all love you especially me, we all love and cherish you to the fullest. I love you more than the entire richest I have and more than the whole world.
But Baby whose Benjaminn?

≈ My fweind but he he he was nwot nice to to me

∞ How does he look like Bub

≈ He is twall wot dirty bwond hwair and he he he hits me awot like like....

∞ Like who bub

≈ Like like Fader (father)

∞ Ohhhhhhhh (sound almost like aww tho) *brings her closer and cuddles her* baby I love you and whoever hurt you in the past is in the last ok. From this day forward any one that hurt you is in the past and can never hurt you EVER again. Or else they have ME to hurt first.
I said while wiping her tears.

≈ O-o-ok Daddy

∞ Ok cause I know that my Baby girl is strong and can get thru anything, and if you can't I will be here to help you. Just know that deep down that there is people who care about you, okay?
I care about you.
Your mom cares about you.
Petian cares about you.
Little Unia cares about you and all your toys waiting at your new home with me, care about you!

≈ *gasp* I have new toys?

∞ YES Pumpkin!

≈ But Daddy how do you kwnow who Petian is?

∞ Ohhhh don't worry about it, I know so many things about you I'm not even sure you know about yourself. *says while stoking her hair*

≈ Ohhhh umm ok.

∞ Ok what?

≈ Okk Daddy *rolls eyes*

∞ Noooo rolling eyes at Daddy or else you will get a punishment.

≈ Ok ok I won't EVER again I pwomise.

∞ Smiles at her that's my baby.

Ryikers Pov

I spent a while just admiring my little Girl feeling joy and content and soon i got a notification  about my businesses and i groan as i just wanted to admirer my little just all to my self. As I could just sit and gaze at her for ever and ever and never get tired of seeing her cute little face. But no sadly I couldn't and i went on my phone checking my stocks and company interest rates while Gabbi still lay peacefully sleeping on my lap but then Gabbi started to move slightly and her face looked as of she was scared.
But I didn't think much of it maybe it was a little bad dream hopefully nothing severe.
But not even a minute later she started moving around and whimpering I rocked her slightly enough to calm her but not wake her up. But I didn't seem as if that helped and I started seeing her cry.
Babu baby its ok everything is alright.
But that didn't really help and she was full on crying and shaking.
Baby stop its ok I'm here. I said while shaking her but that didn't seem to work so I shoke her awake and she jerked up and started shaking more and she grasped on to me crying.
I asked her why she was crying and she told me that I told her that I didn't love her anymore and didn't want her.
And that broke my heart a little, hearing my baby saying that I did not love her as I knew that that would NEVER HAPPEN. 
She also told me that her Father and the boy that was beating her were very abusive to her and that made me really mad. But I acted alright to not scare her. I told her that I love her the most more than the world and nothing would happen to her and that I am sure every one loved her and I told her about the new toys she had to try and get her mind off of that subject.
I also know that when we reach home I will immediately tell everyone or a group of people to search about everything including her father and to also kidnap him and bring him here to get tortured just like Benjaminn.

I caressed her and ran my hands thru her hair saying sweet nothings into her ear.
And she relaxed again.
She then got up a little and crossed her leg over to my left side and her other leg was around my other hip in a sitting position and got comfortable again. Cradling her stuffie in her right arm while her left hand played with the buttons on my jacket. And she sucked on her paci falling asleep again. Hopefully this time she would not wake up for another 3 hours until we reach my estate. I live far on purpose in the middle of pretty much no where because I don't anyone to be able to find me or I should now say US.

(In case your wondering why he lives so far but could go to her school so quickly its cuz he took his private jet and landed not that far away in a random field.) 💝💎$

Sorry For Such A Short Chapter

Hi Besties 💗💙

How are u


I'm alright my back is hurting rn but everything alright my knee does hurt more for some reason but hopefully I will be suitable for school.
But ya byeeeee hopefully I post soon.

Byee Besties

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