21. Meeting pt 2

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Trigger Warning
Impure Regression

...Daddy asked, I looked up to see Daddy unbuckling his seat belt hastily and stepping out of the car.
My heart sank to my stomach, this is going all too fast, first I was taking a shower with Daddy, then eating, watching tv, and now about to walk into a luxurious building while holding two stuffies in each arm with a man that I didn't even know if we were together or not, and were not even going to talk in-depth about how he looks compared to me.

• tall
• really hot
• everyone respects him
• everyone loves him
• rich
• nice
• loving
• astute

The list goes on and on, he is so much better than me.

•  short
•  really hideous
•  everyone hates me
• extremely poor
•  gets used because is so nice
•  nobody loves
• abominable

The list could also go on and on, but everyone hates me.

Do I even deserve him?, He's so much better than me, What if he's cheating on me, there are millions of other prettier girls in the world to be with but why me? He deserves someone better, I'm probably going to embarrass him, I should get out of my head space, does he hate me?

We're all things that crossed my mind as I looked at the huge building in front of me.  My heart was racing a million beats per second and I could feel my chest tightening up.
"D-da-daddy, I-I don't wanna g-g-o"
I stuttered out, he turned and looked at me he looked annoyed but at the same time worried, "I'm s -s -sorry" I stuttered out while putting my head down, what if I made him mad now, geez I'm so dumb.
"Baby, look at me, you're going to be alright if you want you could tuck your head in the crook of my neck so nobody can see our face, or I could give you a fidget to soothe your nerves, would you like that? "
He asked he sounded so caring, but I don't deserve him why doesn't he just return me to my abusive family, why doesn't he hurt me?, am I a burden?
"Y-y-yea," I said nervously
" Sh-sh-ould I be out of little space or in little space?" I asked just to be certain, I'm not sure if he wanted me to meet his friends while I'm in little space since I might make a fool out of myself but if I'm not sure if he wants me to be out of little space since I might be really quiet and nervous.
"Whatever you feel is comfortable with you, ok? " he said reassuringly but it only made me more anxious, what if I mess up? Everyone will hate me, then hate Daddy and not work at his business, and then he'll be bankrupt and he'll despise me. I winced at the thought of even if the only person who loved me would now hate me, then it will truly mean I'm unlovable.

Tears welled up in my eyes, I couldn't do this, I'm not ready, I can't.
(already took her out of her car seat)
I sniffled as I wiped my tears.
"Baby baby calm down please, it's not as scary as your imagining, I swear it will be fun or at least not scary, trust me please, ok? And you are only going to be seeing everyone twice when we walk in and when we have the meeting, I tried being able to walk thru the exit door but it's being used at the moment. Please just calm down, or you might have a panic attack. " Daddy said as he rubbed my back soothingly, and it helped...for the moment.
Daddy walked to the front of the glass door to a man and gave him the keys and said

" hé pouvez-vous garer cette voiture quelque part à l'arrière près de la porte de sortie et apporter les sacs à la chambre 0002"

"hey can you park this car somewhere in the back near the exit door, and bring the bags to room 0002"

The man looked at the name tag on the keys and bowed his head in respect "Yes Sir right away Sir"  he said quickly and scurried away.
But before he left Daddy said one more thing.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2023 ⏰

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