The new Queens of Cloud Tower

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Ahhh....Cloud Tower a School for Witches! Ms. Griffin known as one of the Head Teachers and Headmistress (Headwitchstress) of Cloud Tower banished three mischievous powerful witches of Cloud Tower, known as Icy, Darcy and Stormy.


Ms. Griffin: And that's how you make an Ogre into human and back a forth-

???: Wow, I just love learning! *evil laugh*

Someone interrupted the class, Ms. Griffin and her students looked up at the window.

??? (2): *evil laugh*

??? (3): *evil laugh*

???: Hello, Ms. Griffin!

The windows opened wildly, and exposed who the three laughing and mocking Ms. Griffin.

Icy: Hello, Cloud Tower! We're back more powerful than ever! Sisters!

The three witches aimed at Ms. Griffin with their powers and struck into thin air they turned Ms. Griffin into a crow. Without care they showed and scared her out of cloud tower.

Darcy: *sighs* That was a great! Getting rid of her, finally she was a pain!

Stormy: I know right, Sister.

Icy: Alright witches, stand up and come here at front now!

All witches stood up and walked to the front of the Trix.

Icy: I got to say, each one of you will have a future full of glory and adventure! Because WE will rule the whole magic dimensions one by one when we grow stronger, scarier and more powerful that no one can stop us!

All students looked at each other and whispers stuff they wanted to say out loud.

Without hesitation the students look at the Trix evil and proud and started chanting "TRIX!"

Cloud Tower Students: TRIX!

The Trix looked so surprised and laughed low and proud.

Cloud Tower Students: TRIX! TRIX! TRIX! TRIX!

Icy: Alright, Alright now be quiet and hold on witches! We can't look like this while taking all Magic Dimensions right? *looks at Darcy and Stormy* Ready Sisters?

Darcy: Ready!

Stormy: Born Ready and Powerful!

With the powerful power of the Trix, they manage theirs elves to change appearance with new styles and actions. But no one know after the transformation this happened...

The Trix started bursting out one more very strong spell across Cloud Tower Halls, Dorms, Offices, Classrooms and Dungeons. The ground started to shake and thunder was bursting out of the sky, The entrance of Cloud tower broke into many pieces, and crumble on the ground. The Cloud Tower, is officially and flying high into the sky!

Icy: This will be our first journey Witches! To take over the Magic Dimension! First off, us Sisters need to see if you are worthy enough to join our quest!! Over there!

Icy pointed at a girl with light greenish hair.

Icy: Come here and show us your skills.

???: Oh- Of course.

She walked up to the Trix and summoned a book.

Selena: I'm Selena and this is my strength.

Stormy: *yawns* A book? powerful...

Selena: Not just any book, this is the Legendarium~ 

Stormy: Alright then, wow us with that book.

Selena: With pleasure.

Selena opens the Legendarium and tries to choose the best stories for the Trix, and found one.

Selena: In it's page of this book, I can summon any Legends in the world, and I have the power to summon them. 

Darcy: So...a storybook then?

Selena: I guess so, here I'll show you ho it works. Ahem...This is the Legend of the GloomyWood Trolls. They used to live in the Forest of Magic, until they were defeated by the pixies. ... Legendarium! Trolls of GloomyWood! To take Vengeance of Pixie Village!

Selena rises one of her hand in the air and surprised everyone with the Spirit of the Troll coming out of the book.

Icy: We need to see this.

Icy summoned a spy glass Infront of the room and secretly watching the Pixies. Within matter of seconds a hand rose out of the ground in pixie village and trolls viciously crawled out of the crater and attacks the Village.

Stormy: Huh- Nice job then.

Icy: My, My angry and vicious for pixies.

Darcy: I'm surprised.

Selena: Thank you, any more stories do you want me to show?

Icy: Maybe in the future. 

Meanwhile at Alfea...A party was happening for new students and a New Year for the School. The Students were happy and enjoying but a pixie message appeared and asked the Winx's pixies to come back to the Village and help with the situation.

Bloom: What?! Then we're coming too! Ready Winx?

Flora: Ready when everyone is!

Stella: And miss this? No way!

Musa: Let's save the village!

Tecna: Count me in!

Aisha: Let's save the village!

Bloom: Happy to hear, Winx transform! Magic Winx! Sirenix!

(A/n: :> Don't judge me putting this xD Enjoy! This is the vid I just found without the full Music Video thing._..)

Bloom: Alright! Quickly we might not make it in time!

The Winx flew up to the sky and fly to Pixie Village.

❄️Deal with the coldness, Dear.❄️ Winx Club: Icy x Fem! Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now