Unlocking...The Bloomix!

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Previously...Darcy, Stormy and Y/n (you) cast out a powerful spell to attack the Winx. But they manage to dodge it.

Bloom: Winx! I feel the most negative magic, it's in that bubble! Let's do convergence magic!

Flora: alright!

Stella: Meet you at the front!

Aisha/Musa/Tecna: Alright/Noted/Copy!

The Winx flew down Infront of the bubble and started to cast their convergence magic. they waited for Bloom and Bloom arrived and they fired at the Bubble with all their strength.

When the Winx used up all the strength the Shield and the Legendarium was too strong, the bubble burst out a very bright light and it teleported the Winx outside of Cloud tower, without their Wings and weak bodies...but Bloom was the only one with Magic left...

From the top view of the room, you and the Trix laughed from the Winx Disappearance. You flew up to Selena and she (Selena) removed the bubble.

Y/n: That was, wicked! I didn't know you could do that!

Icy: Same here, Selena.

Darcy: mhm...

Stormy: Same. How long were you mastering that book?!

Selena: As long as I can remember.

Icy: Deep. Anyways...Sisters to the office, you and Y/n can stay here and do like whatever you guys want. See you.

The Trix flew off to the office, while outside Cloud Tower the Specialists caught the girls unconscious and weak so they took them back to Alfea.

Meanwhile back at Cloud Tower, Selena showed you some pages of the Legendarium.

Y/n: Were you able to meet the original owner of the Book.

Selena: Oh uhm...I maybe have, I guess. 


The Specialists and the Winx finally made it back to Alfea, while Daphne and Ms. Faragonda wainting for them. The Specialists landed and parked the Ride Infront of them and the Winx got of.

Ms. Faragonda: I heard what happen Winx.

Daphne: Me too, Are you guys all ok?

Bloom: We are but a bubble from Cloud Tower drained off all of the Winx's powers....except mine...

Stella: H-how?

Bloom: I don't know...

Ms. Faragonda: Because your power came from an extinct Dragon, Bloom. One of a powerful magic. You still can give strength to the others.

Bloom: I can? Well....Here.

Bloom casts 5 gems for the Winx and seperately give it to them.

Bloom: There...take these Winx, that can give you all Strength.

Ms. Faragonda: It's a good thing Bloom shared you all her power, because you all can unlock new power and new set of Wings, the Bloomix power.

At Cloud Tower...

Darcy: Did you see the Winx reaction?! It was so priceless!

Stormy: Yea! So priceless makes me wanna rewind it all over again! What do you think, Icy?

Darcy: Icy?

Stormy: Where is she?

Darcy: How should I know? Y/n! Here now!

You heard Darcy calling you and you teleported to the office.

Y/n: Yes, Darcy?

Darcy: Go bac in time or smth and Find out where Icy is, alright?!

Y/n: Or I could just look for her, I'll be right back.

Stormy: Be quick!

You teleported away from Darcy and Stormy and you teleported next to Icy Infront of Cloud Tower.

Y/n: There you are, Darcy and Stormy were looking for you, I mean tol-

Icy: Yea, yea, I know.

Y/n: ...Is smth wrong?

Icy: Why do you care?

Y/n: Icy.

Icy: It's nothing, mind your own business, Witch.

Y/n: *sighs* Alr, but head back to the office.

Icy: Right, right. Now get back inside.

Y/n: Ok, ok. *teleports away*

Icy: Tch....I miss you Sapphire. I wish I could turn you back to your original self...

❄️Deal with the coldness, Dear.❄️ Winx Club: Icy x Fem! Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now