Present's Past....

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With the 4 (Flora, Musa, Aisha and Riven)

Flora: We finally lost them *pants*

Aisha: *pants* Uh-huh....

Musa: I feel so much negative magic even that I lost my powers...*pants* any- any sight of Witches Riven?

Riven: No sight. We'll be good for now, I guess.

Icy: You think they wont find you, even we found you? AHAHAH Welcome to Cloud Tower! Shall I give you the tour? *blasts spell*

Everyone dodges, and Riven prepared his weapon.

Riven: Stay back, this is a specialist job!

Riven runs towards Icy and she flew up to the ceiling leaving you blasting Riven making him unconscious...

Y/n: Wow, Nice job. Welcome to Cloud Tower!

Flora's eyes widen.

Flora: Y/n?!

Y/n: Hello, old friend.

Flora: H-how?! So it is true...but you were burned in flames!

Y/n: I know, you left me there burning! You could have told Auntie, Uncle, or ANYONE TO HELP ME IN THERE! AND NOW, YOU, YOUR FRIENDS AND I WITH THESE WITCHES WILL BE HERE TO DESTROY YOU!

Aisha: You can't do that!

You chanted out your best spell, aimed it at Flora and fired it.

Without the Girls and Riven knowing Helia and Timmy were running towards them and caught Flora fell on the ground.

Aisha: FLORA!

Helia: Flora! How could you?! *looks at you*

Y/n: Helia~ My old friend, we were just PLAYING! *fires spell*

Helia dodges your attack.

Helia: Who are you?! *runs to Flora*

Y/n: *gasps* How could you?! *fires spell* It's me! *Fires spell again* Y/N!

Helia: Y/n.... You- ... You're a witch! WHY?!

Y/n: Let's turn back time then? Icy?

Icy: Of course!

Icy blasts a spell a froze Helia's legs so he couldn't walk or run.

Musa: NO! Aisha, you gotta get Helia Quick!

Aisha: Alright, I'll-

Riven: No. Too Risky.

You took Helia by the arm and opened a portal from your past. Without hesitation you threw Helia inside the portal, followed him in and closed it.

Icy: Say bye bye flower, water and music girl. Bye-bye!

Icy blasts a spell to Musa that caused her to be frozen and casts a spell to Flora and Aisha into a solid ice prison (box :)))

Riven: NO!

Timmy: Flora! Aisha!

Icy: I'd love to give you a tour boys, but I got an emergency meeting. I'll let these witches take care of you, alright. Bye~ AHAHAHAHA!

Without any further attacks, Icy flew away and a few witches jumped into the action.

Witch: This is the main classroom! *fires spell to Riven*

Riven's eyes widen and didn't even thought to dodge it.

Witch 3: This is the cafteria! *fires spell to Timmy*

Timmy's eyes widen and didn't even thought to dodge it too.

Witch 4: Ugh- I though they'd be hardcore but I guess I was wrong, cmon let's bring them to the office.

Witch: Right.

Present Situation...

Meanwhile inside the portal with you and Helia....

Helia: Bring me back!

Helia shoots his his string glove to your arm and he pulls you back. But you dodged it.

Y/n: Bead boy and move, Helia. Now, stay or else...

Helia: Fine...

You flew into a time mirror, and you placed your hand and turned it to the left. You keep pausing to see if you were at the right time and period on where it all happen and destroyed your and Flora's friendship.

You got the perfect time, you grabbed Helia's arm and shoves him inside and you followed.

Helia: Where are we?! Is this...Flora's home..

Y/n: Yes, this is. Cmon geez your so slow.

You and Helia walked all the way where the fire started but people keep walking the opposite way and through you two.

Helia: How-

Y/n: Quit it, as witch of time I put a spell on us both to not let them see, hear or feel us. Take a look over there.

You pointed. Helia looks at you suspiciously and thought it was a trap but he listened and followed you. While was walking through the path you quietly open another portal, you went in and close it behind Helia.

Past Flora: DAD! MOM!

F/D/N (Flora's Dad Name): Sweetie! We are so glad your safe-

F/M/N (Flora's Mom name): Y/n! What do we do!?

F/D/N: What?! Where?!

F/M/N pointed past you trapped inside the building....Inside meanwhile at the building.

Past you: *coughs* help! p-ple- *coughs*

Fire inside spreaded quick and furious you (past you) were getting burns and small cuts everywhere. 

Past you: Flor- Flora! Au- Auntie! Anyone!?

You kept on coughing....

Past Y/n: H-how cou-could you...I-I...I looked you all as fam-family! I'l-I'll make sure I survive th-this and take my-my reven-revenge!!!

❄️Deal with the coldness, Dear.❄️ Winx Club: Icy x Fem! Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now