A Dark ''Fairy''tale

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Darcy: Alright, Witches! Class Dismiss stand by in your rooms.

Everyone started walking out of the classroom, but the Trix blocked your way.

Icy: Hey. We haven't tested you yet!

Stormy: Mhm.

Darcy: Can you show us your strength?

Y/n: O-oh...alr.

You walked to the middle of the room and powered up yourself.

You summoned a portal Infront of you, the Trix and Selena. The Trix and Selena were shocked to see their past self. You also summoned the Past self of the Winx were they are still weak.

Icy: Oh~~ Time Travel power.

Darcy: Look at these fairies! So small and weak, HA!

Stormy walks up to past Stella and squeezes her cheeks.

Stormy: What's wrong gonna use your ring?

Past Stella: Let me GO, I am Princess Stella, Daughter and- !

Stormy: Yea, yea Solaria wh-

Past Bloom: Hey! Woman! Let her go!

Past Bloom pushes Stormy away, and Stormy stood up power ready to charge.

Stormy: Watch it Red Head or I'll push you away!

Past Bloom: ...

Darcy: *teleports next to Past Musa* AHAHAHA! Scared?!


The Trix led you and Selena to Ms. Griffin's office and let you stay there. The Trix turned on there spy spell and spy on the Winx.

Icy: Selena? Could you read us a useful story to get the Winx trusts?

Selena: Hmmm...that would be interesting right, Y/n, Stormy, Darcy?

Darcy: Sounds fun! Read one!

Stormy: Yea! Read one!

Y/n: Let their Fairytale turn into a nightmare~

Selena: Alright *summons the Legendarium* So many choices.

You walk up next to Selena and looking into the Legendarium.

Selena: Hmmm....*flips through pages*

Y/n: Hold on! What about this story?

Selena: Huh? Oh~ Perfect, ready? Ahem...

              :Once Upon a Time, there was a Dark Fairy living through the Dark Magic Forest~ .... hmmm LEGENDARIUM! I summon the Most Wicked Dark Fairy that ever Existed go Into the Winx's trust and break it!

Icy: This will be fun! Right, Sisters?

Darcy and Stormy: Yea! Crush those Fairies!

The Dark Fairy spawns into the Alfea Entrance. 

Bloom: I hope we can find the Pixies wherever they are.

Flora: I know, I hope so.

Musa: Who's that? *points*

Aisha: Your right...must be a new student or professor?

Tecna: Hmm...I guess Aisha is right let's talk to her!

❄️Deal with the coldness, Dear.❄️ Winx Club: Icy x Fem! Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now