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(A/n: So I posted a convo at this acc. so any Dream FaceRev Haters or fr Dream hater comments will be Removed/Ignored and since the Aisha and Stella are the first ever Fairies (in the Winx group) got the Bloomix from the episode of "The Flying School" in this chapter will be all mixed up so there will be no problems, ENJOY!)

While the attack on Alfea is still at risk, Icy was in the air watching.

Icy: Hmm~~~ Beautiful! 

At Alfea..

Ms. Faragonda: Quick get in now students! 

The students rushed in inside Alfea.

Sky: Ms. Faragonda, you should get in too me and the others will try to distract them.

Ms. Faragonda: Are you sure? Vasqralvs are very manipulative.

Sky: We're sure. Specialists! 

The others (TheSpecialists) rode on to their hoverbike and pulled out their weapons.

Bloom: Sky, me and the girls are going to help.

Sky: Are you sure?

Bloom nods and turns to the others.

Bloom: With or without magic we can still do this alright?

The girls nods.

Bloom: Goodluck and be safe Win- w-wait Flora isn't back, yet?!

Stella: Wait- what- oh you're right...

Aisha: She must still be at Cloud Tower.

Bloom: What?! Why is she there?!

Aisha: Long story...

Back at Icy...

Icy: Hmm~~ Looks like the Winx are having a small quarrel, oh well. But watching this, pfft- 10/10!

Darcy: Well, sister-

Icy: GAHH!?

Darcy: Easy does it.

Icy: Geez- 

Darcy: I thought you're used to it?

Icy: Quit it.

Back at Cloud Tower.. 

Stormy: Now...what should we do Ladies?

Y/n: Eh- I don't know, I'm bored that's all.

Selena: Same.

Stormy sighs and looks around the office..

Stormy: Hmm..

Y/n: Crystal sphere show me Alfea!

The crystal glows and shows the chaos of Alfea..

Selena: Just look at the fairies!

Y/n: I thought fairies are brave and strong but look! So weak and scared.

Stormy: Pfft- I know right!

Y/n: it possible to drain their fear and turn it into more negative source?

Stormy: That's a good idea, but I don't know...Crystal Sphere show me Icy!

The crystal sphere shows Icy and Darcy.

Stormy: Alr she is still there, I'm going to get her and Darcy.

Y/n: Alright, I guess I'll sub your class. Selena you coming?

Selena: I'm good.

Y/n: Alr.

You teleported and Stormy flew off to fetch Darcy and Icy. 

Selena: Alone at last, Asheron talk to me.

The Legendarium's pages widely spread through Asheron's page.

 Asheron: Selena~ Finally! What's new?

Selena: I got some alone time. Now...I feel so much negative magic here I'm sure I can get you out of those horrible pages!

Asheron: Selena, you are forgetting dark witch powers aren't still enough to get me out!

Selena: Asheron, Are you sur-

You came in..

Y/n: Who's Asheron?

Selena: W-what- *closes book* Asheron?

Y/n: I heard you talking to someone, don't fool me.

Selena: ...

Y/n: Well-

The Trix came in..

Darcy: Honey, we're home! The show was awesome!

Icy: Ikr! w-wait wh-

Darcy: What? *looks at Icy*

Icy: Nothing (Pov: Better not be Y/n you calling "Honey")

Darcy: mk.

❄️Deal with the coldness, Dear.❄️ Winx Club: Icy x Fem! Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now