Unwanted Fever (P2)

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You walked out of the office slowly then you saw Darcy..

Darcy: ...

Y/n: D-darcy-? Smth wrong?

Darcy: ... No- Why?

Y/n: Not-Nothing- S-SELENA!

Selena walks out of the office..

Selena: Yes?

Y/n: Ugh- I hate this fe-fever- got any s-stories th-that can he-heal me?!

Selena: Healing story? I-i'm not-

Y/n: Find one! Be-before I turn you i-into an infant!

Selena: Y-yes- don't worry-

Y/n: I-I can't even walk and stand straight so h-hurry up!

Darcy walks next to you..

Darcy: C'mon, off to bed.

Y/n: Mhm-

Darcy grabs your arm, puts it around her neck and helps you walk to a near by dorm.. leaving Selena looking through the Legendarium..

Darcy: You stay here.

Y/n: This is a-a taken d-dorm-

Darcy: They won't be able to resist our power. Get in. Now.

You walked in the room and a witch looks at you..

Y/n: Who do you think you are just walking in dorms?!

Darcy enters..

Darcy: Don't you even talk that way or you will be EXPELLED *aims spell* got it?

Y/n got struck..

Y/n: Y-yes, ofc apologies Witch of Darkness..truely.

Darcy: mhm.

❄️Deal with the coldness, Dear.❄️ Winx Club: Icy x Fem! Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now