Daily Life With Nagas

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I wanna dance

The alarm beeped loudly at its human, who reached over to shut it off. "Hey.. Why are you two in my bed?" She demanded, struggling to get out of the mass o coils that trapped her to the mattress. "Guys I gotta get up!" She was pulled back down rather aggressively.

"Five more minutes." "No. Five more degrees.. Nn. Make it ten." She was struggling to breathe. No good. They're closing any gaps.. I can't breathe! She grabbed their tails and pulled.

"Ah~ not so rough!" "H.. Hey! That's a sensitive spot!" "Can't.. Breathe..." She managed to get the two to loosen their grips by continuing to tug. "Arisu!" "Ah you're so mean!" She gasped as she managed to finally break free. "Fuck. Thought I was gonna die."

A warm bath was prepared. "There that should be hot enough." "Ah! The water feels so nice!" "Reminds my of our hot spring back home." She sighed, turning to leave, but was pulled into the water. "Hey! What are yoy doing?!" "I heard mixed baths are common here~"

"Why don't we try one too?" Hands began to wander. Not good. She struggled to get out of the water. "You still owe us for that stunt this morning." "Hey that was your own damn fault! You wouldn't let go!"

"Let us have this.." She quickly turned the shower on. "Ack!" "Hey! It's cold!" She scrambles out of the tub. "You're so mean!" "Cruel." "Mixed baths are forbidden!" She left them in the tub and was quick to change.

Breakfast was a pretty difficult ordeal, but she managed. "The interspecies bill allows non human species to interact with humans. These beings were previously kept a secret from the masses by their governments. Many people desire to-" She flicked the TV off.

"Some people shouldn't be allowed to be a host family." "I completely agree Ari~" She jolted. "Smith?! How'd you.. Oh why am I even asking?" Smith laughed. "As your coordinator I need to be able to get in easily. Coffee please!"

"Yeah okay. I was making myself some anyway." "By the way, about the prohibited matters, it seems that witches, like you, are classified as non human as well as human. So you're an exception to the rules." "Sorry about the complications. You probably had hell trying to figure that out."

"Yes but you should still refrain from harming them." "I won't hurt them. I'm not a bully." "That can also mean taking their virginity-" "LIKE I WOULD DO THAT!" Her face was red. "If you did, they'd be deported." "I'm not gonna-" "They've grown very fond of you. They can be rather passionate." "You're telling me."

"They seem to adore you to the point of obsession." "I know. It's a little annoying but you get used to it." "At any rate.." "Hey! What are you doing Smith?!" "Just refreshing your host's memory. Well, I'll be going."

"Kalim you didn't have to-" "Hey Ari? Do we mean so little to you?" "What? No you're both important but prohibited matters-" "Are those really that important?" "Jamil-"

She gave a small cry as she was pinned down. "Uh guys your food-" "See? We're not that scary." "You can do whatever you want to us. We won't complain." "Guys-" "We really do care about you." "We want you to be our first.." "Can't. Breathe-" there was a loud crack.

"Arisu!!!" The two ended up crying, inconsolable as Smith attempted to help out. "Your shoulder is dislocated." Another crack. "Fuck!!!" "Sorry! Relocating your shoulder is a painful ordeal. You okay now?" "Yeah." "You two need to be a bit more careful. She may be a witch bt she's not invulnerable."

"We're sorry!" They cried. "Guys it's fine. I've had far worse. Let's just eat. Food's getting cold." "Oh? Did yoy make me a plate?" "Naturally Smith. There's fresh coffee waiting as well." "You're an angel!" She snorted.

Today was eventful. What would tomorrow bring?

 What would tomorrow bring?

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