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TW: Mention of human trafficking, explicit language, drugging, gore.

Let it all fade to black

Arisu woke to a bunch of bickering again. Sighing, she sat up and yawned before making her way downstairs. "How dare you touch her!" "Oh please she didn't mind it." "Says you!"

"Kalim we weren't there." "Shaddup all of you! It's too early for your whining!" "STAY OUT OF THIS!" Arisu gave a groan as they argued, making her way to the kitchen. "Huh? Coffee is made?"

"Mornin' Arisu." "Oh. Epel. Did you make coffee?" "I did yes." She smiled and pat his head. "Thank you." He leaned into her touch, purring.

"Aw you're so cute sometimes." His tail flicked. "Am not." He pouted." "Whatever you say, cutie." His face flushed as she moved from the kitchen with her coffee cup. "Blargh."

"Good morning mon tresor~" She rolled her eyes. "Rook. I thought you were a night creature." He chuckled. "Non. Vil and myself are daywalkers~" Oh goody.

"Oh.. I need to talk to you.." "About?" "Yiur oath?" His face seemed to fall a bit. "What about it?" "Is it true it was a proposal?" He chuckled a bit. "Yes. In a sense. I'm proposing my life to you, but it doesn't mean we're married."

"Oh.. Cus Smith-" he gently placed a finger on her lips. "It's alright mon tresore. There's no need for you to say more." She moved away as he gently grabbed her hand.

"Eh?" He hummed, letting his fingers trail along her wrist before kissing her wrist gently. "I assure you, that you'll always be safe with me amour."

"Riiight.." She pulled her hand away and slipped outside. She needed time alone right now, and decided to go out shopping. She headed into town.

She was happy to be out without any hassle, enjoying her time and space. "Ahhh. Feels nice~" She sighed. "I'll step into this place and then I'll head home."

She stepped into her favorite bookshop. She hummed, browsing the wares. After making her purchase, she started on the trek home.

"Maybe I should have told them where I was going.." She sighed as she stopped to readjust her bags. It was then something was placed over her mouth. "Mm?!" She struggled to fight off her captor as he slipped his hand up under her shirt , giving her breast a soft squeeze.

"You'll be quite the lovely plaything for us. We'll have so much fun with you~" She struggled as the figure ran his tongue along her neck. "So sweet too. You'll certainly be a favorite. I'm already addicted."

She blacked out after that, waking several hours later tied up with a bunch of other girls in a warehouse somewhere. Vials of pink liquid could be seen everywhere.

Several girls were free from their bonds, happily at the feet of their captors. One of the tied girls was pulled away. She cried out as a syringe was stabbed into her neck, pink liquid flowing into ger system.

Aphrodisiacs. Very powerful ones too. Ones that would last a very long time. This was some sort of human trafficking ring. "Oh? The new one is awake." The voice purred.

"Mmn. Shall we play with her next?" "Yes. She looks so lovely~" She was placed on some kind of hook. "Ah?! Stop that!!!" She cried. She thrashed about. "Ah ah! You can't hurt us girl. We're monsters!"

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