Full Moon Encounter

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Zettai zettai zeeeeetai machigaenaide ne!

You really, really, reeeealy don't want to mess this up!

Life with the boys had been pleasant albeit a tad disgruntled. It wasn't toi stressful though. "Oh. Smith? Coffee?" "Yes please!" This was the norm now. She gad gotten used to it really.

"By the way, a marriage clause is in the works now." "Is that so?" "Yes. I'll let you know when it's officially passed. But remember those prohibited matters." "Are those really that important?" "Kalim you know that they are.."

"Oh.. I feel like I forgot to tell you something important..." Smith shrugged as she enjoyed her plate. "Ah. I should be going! Look forward to seeing you again."

The night fell upon the unusually quiet house. Arisu was bust reading, having been unable to sleep as the full moon shone through her window. "Arisu..?"

"Oh. Jamil. Kalim. Can't sleep?" They shook their heads. "Yeah me neither. We can talk if you want." "Arisu.. Do you know how snakes mate?" "Er.. Can't say I do.." What a strange question.

"First, they'll wrap around each other.." "Just like this..." The two were suddenly coiled around her body. "And then they'll mate all night." "Until the lines between them are blurred." "Arisu." "Lets become one." "Wh- are you two feeling okay?"

Normally they weren't like this, Kalim being excitable and happy, while Jamil was more reserved. But both were acting unusually seductive. "G.. Guys-" something crashed through the window, striking them both. "Epel?!"

Hr was sitting on top of her. "It's okay." "No it's not please you could be hurt!" "I'm fine.. I'm old enough to have kids of my own... It's fine.." The door was thrown aside as Leona burst in before taking Arisu and running.

"Th.. Thank you." "Tch. Those morons. Letting the full moon get to them like that." "Oh so that's what's going on.. You're not affected?" "Oh please. Like I'd let it get to me!" He grabbed her hand, placing it on his chest. "As your protector I have to ensure your safety. "Can I have my hand back?"

"You feel it right? My heart? How it beats.. For you.." He's absolutely lost it! "Leona-" she was cut off as the others burst in. "We're gonna be the ones to marry her!" "Says you!" "As if I'd let you herbivores take her!"

She did all she could do: run. She ran, diving under the table abd calling smith. "Ah.. The full moon has that effect.." "And you're just now telling me?!" "Mmn.. Try cooling them off with ice.." She yawned and hung up. "Damnit smith!" She cried out as she was suddenly dragged out.

"Found you!" There was another crash, but Kalim didn't relinquish his hold. "Arisu~" He rubbed his cheek on hers. "now we can.. Eh?" He moved back to see her lying in a pool of red. "Ari!" "Nng.. owwww." She sat up, her head pounding. "Aw man I hope this doesn't stain. This is my favorite shirt." She turned to them.

"You've all calmed down.. Eh?" "Arisu.." "Gah!!" The next morning she gently shook Kalim awake. "Time to get up." "Nn.. Ari!!" She was covered in bandages, and was using a crutch for her sprained ankle.

"Next time, go to bed early On full moon nights."


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