A Beautiful Friday Night Is In Store

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Iris: Gonna be a beautiful night!

Brian: For sure! Great for walking!

Emma: Yup!

Steven: There could be coyotes!

Eleanor: Must you ruin the vibe?

Dorothy: Exactly!

Steven: Just saying!

Dorothy: Shut up!

Steven: Make me!

Dorothy: *beats up Steven*

Steven: *getting beat up*

Derrick: Its gonna be a gorgeous Friday evening! Enough said!

Dorothy: *still beating up Steven*

Steven: *still getting beat up*

This story was written on Friday, June 10th, 2022.

A/N We're in for a beautiful Friday evening!!! A great time to go walking! 😌 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

Twisty Tales Of JuneNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ