Its Okay Bobby! We Forgot!

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Bobby: I can't believe this! My birthday was yesterday, and no one remembered!

pinkpurplemist: Oh snap! I'm sorry!

Me: Sorry, dude! We didn't mean to forget!

Iris: Sorry, pal!

Brandon: Really sorry!

Bobby: You idiots!!!

ice_elizy: Excuse me, but it was an accident!

Cleopatra: *British accent* Exactly!

Pedro: *Mexican accent* We didn't mean to!

ice_elizy: No need to get upset, Bobby. Its perfectly humane to forget birthdays.

ZSb402: Precisely! No need to fly off the handle like that!

Millany_Kelly_Green: Forgetting someone's birthday by accident isn't a crime!

Bobby: Where's the happy birthday?

All Of Us: Happy Belated Birthday, Bobby!!

Bobby: Thanks.

Ariel: How old are you now, fella?

Bobby: 31.

Millany_Kelly_Green: Again, we are so sorry. We cool?

Bobby: Yeah, we're cool.

Dorian: Good.

This story was written on Tuesday, June 21st, 2022.

A/N Bobby, chill the heck out! We didn't know your birthday was yesterday! Oh my gosh! 🙄 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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