I Made Mel Disappear! Oops! 😶

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Iris: Hey, Mel!

Mel: Hiya!

Me: Hey, buddy!

Mel: Hey, buddy!

Brandon: *sees a magic wand* Who does this wand belong to?

Millany_Kelly_Green: It belongs to me! No one shall touch it! *grabs the wand* It belongs to me, and me only! *accidentally waves the wand at Mel, making her disappear*

Mel: *disappears in a cloud of smoke*

Millany_Kelly_Green: Oops!

Me: My friend!! You made her vanish!

Millany_Kelly_Green: Sorry, I didn't mean to!

Me: Bring her back!

Millany_Kelly_Green: I can't! This wand only makes people disappear!

Me: How can you be so stupid?!!!! I'll never see my friend again!

Millany_Kelly_Green: Don't you call me stupid! I said I was sorry! It was an accident!! Accidents happen, okay?!

Me: You idiot!!! Stay away from me!

Millany_Kelly_Green: Oh, so that's the way its gonna be huh? Very well!

Brandon: There's gotta be a way to make Mel come back!

This story was written on Sunday, June 19th, 2022. (Father's Day)

A/N Oh no!! My friend disappeared, all because of that idiot Millany_Kelly_Green! Its all her fault!! 😡😡😡😡😡 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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