Dead Ballet Dancer At Dunkin Donuts

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Dunkin Donuts

Washington St

Middletown, Connecticut

Iris: *walks in and sees a dead ballet dancer on a table*

Dead Ballet Dancer: *lying on the table in her ballet outfit*

Iris: Um, may I ask how she died?

Dunkin Donuts Employee: Don't worry about it. You want something?

Iris: Two chocolate donuts, and a Minute Maid apple cranberry drink, please.

Dunkin Donuts Employee: Okay. $5.71.

Iris: *pays with a 20, and gets some change back*

Man: *takes the dead ballet dancer out of Dunkin Donuts, and puts her into the back of his blue Dodge Ram with a New Hampshire license plate*

Iris: Hmm, okay......

This story was written on Saturday, June 18th, 2022.

A/N How the ballet dancer died, and wound up at Dunkin Donuts, and what the New Hampshire man is doing to her, is beyond me! 🙄 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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