Chapter 9 - Questions

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"Babe, I don't think pulling up to my office in a TrackHawk is very discreet." I say once we parked outside of my office building.

I could see my passing coworkers eyeing the van and I know once I stepped outside there will be questions.

"I choose safe rather than discreet every time when it comes to you. Plus nobody knows that I own this vehicle, it's one of the safest options." He tells me as he slides down into the seat a bit.

"Yeah but they already think I'm dating a drug dealer based on my cars and lifestyle." I whined a bit.

He chuckled a bit before looking over at me.

"Aren't you?" He asked. I don't know why he finds this shit funny.

"I'm not dating anybody. Don't mix me up with your little side pieces." I said while rolling my eyes.

"Yuh right. Yuh own one." He goes on to say making me roll my eyes.

"Yuh never answered my question last night by the way. When are you due for a vacation?" He probed.

I blushed at this because I know I didn't answer due to my jealousy. Mi did in a some deep feelings.

"I'm actually overdue for a vacay but I haven't put in a request. So maybe in the next two or so months." I say after doing a quick math.

He spluttered at that. "Two months B? That nah go work. We anniversary a come up in a the next three weeks and mi ago need yuh fi be available. I have plans." He says making me feel bad.

I forgot.

I guess he saw the guilty look on my face because he quickly added, "mi nuh understand how you pick the date and forget every year. Make it make sense Alex."

"I've just been busy that's all." I say, looking out the car window.

"Yuh cya too busy for yuh man. Anyways, mek sumn shake in regards to that. Mi ago lif up yah now. Member fi text mi if yuh need sumn." He says, starting back up the truck.

I nodded and then quickly alighted the vehicle. Now time to walk through the shadow of the valley of death, aka, my workplace.

As I pushed through the door I could hear scampering indicating that a few of my colleagues were indeed watching the truck. I said a low good morning to Marie, the front desk girl and walked through the throng of guilty looking nosy nancies to my desk.

I could feel the envy radiating in the room and by 10 am I was over it all. To make a bad situation worse, my bosses decided to announce my promotion in a company wide memo and by the time lunch time rolled around I felt like I was in an episode of survivor.

Bitches were bothered as fuck.

I had ordered food to be delivered to me from one of my favourite food spots to avoid leaving my office. When it came, Sue collected it and brought it to my desk but I know she only used that as an excuse to come gossip.

"Girl, these bitches have your name in their mouths all morning long. Whew! Talk about bitter!!!" She tells me as soon as she placed my lunch on the desk.

I only chuckled at that because it was something that I was expecting. People hate what they can't have and right now I'm living out all of their fantasies. If only they knew what I have to go through to live this life, they would keep the hating to a minimum.

"I don't understand why. I'm no different from them. I come to work each day, do ten sometimes fourteen hours and then go home. What's there to hate?" I say taking a bite of the grilled chicken. It tasted so good.

Sue started to cackle loudly and I had to roll my eyes at her.

"No ma'am! You and them are not the same. You might work at the same place but you are definitely not on the same level." She says digging into her homemade pasta.

It looked good. She always makes nice smelling lunches but I don't eat from any and anybody so I wouldn't know if they tasted good.

"All the one Joyce she nearly pop her raas this morning trying to run from the door. I never pray for somebody to bruck them behind suh yet like this morning. She too faas." She hissed out.

Oh so that's who I heard scampering from the door.

"Well, what can I say, we are lawyers after all. It's in our nature to be a bit curious." I say in my fake diplomatic voice.

Sue stared at me long and hard before we both burst out into laughter.

"Shut the fuck up Alex before yuh mek dah pasta yah choke mi."


"Now in international news, oil tycoon Petroleum UAE has released a statement today announcing their partnership with US company Dlamini Distributors. The partnership sees Dlmanini owning 15% shares in the $600 billion company.

This puts the US-based company at an advantage in fast becoming a leading distributor of crude oil in the region.
While the official company website has been updated, confirming the partnership; CEO of Dlamini Distributors, Jade Dlamini was unreachable at news time.

The companies stocks have sky-rocketed..." the CNN business news anchor drones on.

The bedroom door creaks open as he walks through staring at me for a bit.

"A wah yuh in yah a do?" He asks, approaching the bed.

"Watching the news." I tell him as I turned the tv down. 

"Come watch me instead. Mi more interesting." He says crawling into the bed and subsequently on top of me.

He rested his head between my boobs and I rubbed the back of his head.

"Yuh did sort out our thing today?" He asked after some time.

Oh yes.

"Yes I did. Apparently HR had already intended to contact me regarding it. So I got a week off for the 10th to the 14th to go about galavanting with you." I tell him.

I looked up at me smirking and I rolled my eyes.

"That mi like hear. Get some sexy shit to model for me the entire week. I want to feel like I'm at KFC, breast, thigh and legs" he joked and I couldn't help my laugh.

Feeling his hand around my throat, I looked down seeing nothing but lust in his eyes. He wanted me and I wanted him too, badly.

"C''mere." He whispered pulling me down into a kiss.

Say whatever you want about my delusional ways but when we are like this, I see nobody but him.

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