Chapter 13 - Double Meanings

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Getting an exclusive office space is a big accomplishment. For someone who is only two years into her practice, this is unheard of. Standing in the newly furnished room right now I am in total disbelief.

My recent promotion not only came with a forty percent salary increase, but a private office as well. Mi feel like mi ago cry. Phill, one of our junior partners stood beside me grinning as I inspected the place.

"So, you like it?" He asked after the lengthy silence between us. I nod.

I couldn't find the words to express how humbled I was by this. My own office.

"If there is anything you don't like you have full authority to change. We added the basics, desk, chair couch but if you want to add decor or whatever to spice up in here, there is a $200,000 budget allocated for that." He went on.

Are you kidding me? I have two hundred thousand dollars to spend on decor?

"Wow. Thank you guys. I really appreciate everything." I say, smiling from ear to ear.

"No need to thank us Ms Hines. You have certainly been putting in the work and the last thing we want is for anyone else to come snatch you up." He said with an awkward chuckle.

Noted. Unu a try butter me up.

"Well, either way I'm grateful. I'll sure to speak with accounts regarding my decor budget sometime during the week." I tell him with a slight smile.

He eventually left and I was able to let out the scream I was holding in all along. Whew! Let me text the sibling group chat and let them know what just happened.

I'm expecting a call from HIM sometime today

Angela Spawns

Alex: I'm sitting in my very own office. ☺️
Tristan: Yeah you!
Watch elevation!
Watch success!
Watch beauty with brains.
Watch proud.
Mi love this fi mi sister.

I chuckled at Tristan spamming the group. Her antics made me feel real good about myself now though.

My phone buzzed and I realized that Trey had sent a message to the group.

Trey: 👍🏼

I shook my head. Typical Trey. I texted Tristan privately some more until it was time to meet with my first client.

I don't like to meet with my clients at the firm. A whole building filled with judgemental lawyers isn't the ideal place to get them comfortable enough to open up with me.

Jason, the guy who I agreed to represent has a brother who plays high school football. We will be going to one of his matches today at the Stadium. I wore a high-waisted jeans, a company polo shirt and a pair of comfy heels.

I arrived at the stadium around 2 pm and bought my ticket. Luckily, I had a cap in my car because the heat was crazy right now and there was no covering here. Sun ago beat dung pon we wicked.

I met up with Jason inside just a moment before the match started. I'm not familiar with the two schools playing but I can keep up with the game.

For the first half of the match we were solely focused on the game and cheering on Jason's little brother Akeem. He seemed to be one of the stars on the team and was very prolific in his style of playing.

At half time I called over one of the vendors selling juice and snacks. I needed a bottle of water and a banana chips badly. Me sorry seh mi never eat lunch before I came here.

As I was about to open the chips bag, Jason spoke.

"Mi will do anything fi mi likkle bredda." He says, looking towards the area where the teams had assembled for their break.

"Them yute yah have far fi go in a life. Man skill yuh fuck and mi tell him everyday seh a side a Europe ago pick him up soon." He continued, not looking at me.

Based on his tone, I could tell that he was about to tell me the truth about what happened that night three months ago. His mother's boyfriend was found slain in their home in Cassava Piece and Jason was the one who made the call to the police.

Based on my assessment of the Police report and the statements from the neighbors, the man arrived home sometime after five. They had taken the same taxi home. No one else saw anything or heard anything, apparently.

"Him nuh dunce enuh Ms Hines. Him get recommended fi all a him subject dem. Me done give him di money fi pay fi dem. Yeah man, di bwoy have it." He says with a sad smile.

I wanted to reach out and comfort him but I refrained. He is in a zone.

He chuckled after awhile before looking over at me.

"A nuh me kill di batty bwoy weh mi mother did a harbor in a her house Ms. Hines. Him never suh lucky." He said in all seriousness

"Okay. I believe you." I tell him.

To many, he may not have said much. However, for me, he said a whole lot. It's now on me to not just prove his innocence but protect the one person he treasured the most in the process.

I have my fucking work cut out for me.

"Good. Mi nuh care bout the price tag. Just hangle dat fi mi." He said as the whistle blew, restarting the match.

"Alex, why were you at the National Stadium today?" He asked me as soon as I picked up the phone.

I rolled my eyes as I walk towards the dining table, placing the box of pizza on it. I just got back home from the office and I was both hungry and beat.

"Met up with a client." I responded to Mr Inspector Gadget.

"I don't know why you insist on meeting these criminals outside the safety of your office enuh. However, I tell you to let me know when you're doing these things so I can put the men on guard. He fussed.

Opening the box, I remove a slice of pineapple pizza and took a bite.

"Alex, are you ignoring me?" He asked.


"No, mi a eat. Mi hungry." I say mid chew.

"Yuh never eat lunch? Why are you so hungry?" He asked. This is another argument brewing.

"I got busy." Was my clipped reply.

There was a pause on the other line and I took that opportunity to stuff another slice of pizza in my mouth.

Fuck this taste good.

"What are you eating? It sounds unhealthy." He said after some time.

I cut my eyes at the phone before hanging up. Him too fucking bright.

He is going to punish the fuck out of me when he sees me next but for now, I'm chilling.

I scrolled through my Instagram feed while I finished off the box of pizza. I kinda felt guilty when I was done, though. Me fat as fuck fi that.

I promised myself that I would order a salad tomorrow but more than likely it will be a loaded grilled chicken salad with potatoes and the whole works.

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