Chapter 14 - Bridges

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I think I'm going to join a gym.

I can't believe I ate a whole box of pizza last night. That is not a good look. The transparent scale flashes 180 back at me. One hundred and eighty bloodclaat pounds a fat, all for me one.

I need to get my shit together.

I placed the scale back into the cupboard below my sink and breathed out a sigh. I'll have to ask  Mr Fit if he has anyone who could train me privately. Can't bother with the embarrassment of struggling in a public gym.

I quickly finished up my morning routine, taking great care with my face. I am scared of breakouts seeing that acne is hereditary in my family.

Even more reason why I need to stop eating like I do.

My phone was ringing when I walked into my room. It was on the far side of the room on the side table, so I ended up missing the call.

Choosing to leave it where it was, I started to get dress for work. I need to meet with Sue today, maybe around 10 so I can ask her a few questions about my case.  I was up until late last night researching case studies that looked similar to mine.

I have a few strategies outlined for how I want to approach everything, but I want to talk with Sue first. She will know which direction to send me.

Leaving the house, I check my phone realizing that Angela was the one who called me. I don't bother to return her call but instead, focus on getting to work swiftly.

When I got to my office I found a bouquet of roses there. Looking at the very suspicious object, I wondered who could have brought them. I started to check for a card hoping that it would satisfy my curiosity.

There wasn't one.

Pulling out my phone, I took a picture and sent it to him. I know they aren't from him because this isn't the company he typically orders from and he never sends gifts to my workplace.

He called me immediately.

"You know those aren't from me right?" He spoke up immediately. He sounded offended.

"I know. That's not the company that you buy from." I respond.

"Yes. Is a bruck man send yuh dem deh. Dash it weh." He tells me with a bit of humor in his voice.

"It's a big insult B. Dem deh ago wilt up by lunch time. As a matter of fact, I'm sending you some now just because." He says as he started texting. I could hear the keypad beeping.

"Hey, I want an edible arrangement this time. I was looking at their website last week and I saw that they did them." I called out.

He laughed.

"Alright, ago link my regular rep and get that to you in the next half an hour. In the mean time, dump the backyard flowers, please." He says just before cutting the call.

I chuckled while taking the roses over to my bin. They looked really pitiful inside of it. While standing over the trashed bouquet, Sue walked in.

"Hey girl! I got your email _" she says before she paused looking at the miserable looking flowers in the bin.

She started to laugh.

"A wah?" I asked going over to my desk.

She took the seat across from be wiping her eyes.

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