Chapter 19- Legally Bonded

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5 years Ago

"Are you ready?" He asked me as I sat on my bed buckling my heels.

I sighed before I nod my head. I was nervous as hell but I had already agreed and I can't go back on my words.

He held his hand out to me and I held on to it as I was pulled up. Standing in front of him gave me butterflies within. He was such a beautiful man.

The tattoos have grown over the years and have now scattered over his entire body, including his face. He looks like a thug but if anyone asks, he's my thug.

I'm about to marry him.

I was nervous to be doing this. I had no family here with me and I'm about to go sign away my life in a random courthouse in Port of Spain.

The car pulled up at the entrance of a garden? This doesn't look like a courthouse to me.

I looked over at him and I could see him fighting back his smirk.

"What's going on?" I asked him as I look at the very elegantly decorated entrance before us.

"Even when I can't give you exactly what I would like our wedding to be Alex, you know I can't do no fucking courthouse. It's simple, but still think you deserve to walk down the isle to me." He tells me before kissing my lips.

I was in a daze.

He got out of the car and then came around to open my door.

"Let's go get married baby."


I sat in the hotel's restaurant sipping on a glass of champagne. I haven't had this one before but he suggested that I tried it.

It tasted real good.

I smiled as I remembered the events today. I got married. It was a simple affair with a minister and a small group of his entourage sitting in as our witnesses.

There was a photographer and a videographer capturing our special moment and we even got a cake.

I was in cloud nine because of him.

I was married at literally 20 years old.

I graduate in a years time and then I'll be back in Jamaica for law school. I wanted to change my name to his but he said no. We can't do that due to our circumstances with his family. I cried a little bit after he explained it to me and I signed the papers "Alex Hines"

That's not my name.

I wanted his.

"Let's get out of here babe." He tells me as I drain the last of my champagne.

"Where to?" I asked a bit slowly.

I was feeling the effects of the alcohol.

"Wherever I get to finally fuck my wife" he says crudely and I blushed.

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