Chapter 20 - Vacay

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I walked through the doors of the private jet to be greeted by the thunderous heat in Santorini.

The flight here was long and I'm both jet lagged as well as hungover from the endless flow of Champagne that I had indulged in.

I started my descent down the planes steps on shakey legs. I needed a bottle of water and a nap.

I spotted the matted black Range Rover parked close to the jet and I made my way over to it. The gentleman there opened the door for me, so I hopped in.

I almost jumped out of my skin when I saw him sitting in the back, at the opposite window staring at me.

"Happy Anniversary wifey..." was his greeting.

I screamed, shuffling over to throw myself at him.

"I thought you couldn't come and get me!" I said slapping his chest.

He laughed at my antics before pulling me back to him and capturing my lips in a kiss.

I melted.

I kissed him back hungrily as my fingers travel to his head, gripping low cut curls between my fingers.

I've missed him. These three weeks apart were especially harder for me, for reasons beyond my comprehension. My body just craved him and I was literally counting down the days until we could be together again.

He pulled away from the kiss and I did too reluctantly.

"I missed you." I tell him and he smirked.

"I can tell." He said nodding towards my chest.

My nipples were pointy and hard and were straining against the flimsy silk top that I wore.

"How are you even here? I thought you were joining me in the next few days?" I asked him, shocked at the change in our plans.

"I wanted to pick you up for the start of our anniversary celebrations so I made some calls. We will have those meetings virtually." He explains and my heart smiles.

"Awww, babe..." I say as I pulled him into a hug once more. He's just so good to me.

I settled in the seat and he handed me another glass of champagne. I took a sip and smiled because I know I'll be knocked the fuck out before we get to this villa. He knows it too, so I guess no sexy time tonight.

"Everything good on your end?" He asked

I sighed as I think about the changes that have occurred over the past three weeks.

I gave Angela notice from the house in Portmore. The only reason why I bought it was due to Ashley. If Ashley is not living there, then there is no need for her to be there.

She left a bunch of voice notes on my phone telling me all sorts of none sense. I paid her no mind because no matter how much she cursing, she still have to come out.

His men will watch over the process. He was telling me to let her be, but when I forwarded the voice notes to him his stands changed.

Sasha had the baby and I learnt a whole week later. Tristan called me to tell me that apparently Trey wasn't going to say anything. The man genuinely have me up for trying to help our sister.

I asked him what he thought I should do and he said to avoid him. According to him, he doesn't want to have to put my brother in a body bag for disrespecting me. I don't either, so I've been pretending like I don't know about the baby.

Ashley has a nanny now who works from 6am to 6pm. That's the compromise he came up with so now I'm home at 6pm everyday. She will be staying the week with her though seeing that I'm on vacation.

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