Mistaken Fealty-Maximus

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  I pause as I exit my cabin. I make to take a step but instead of doing so I find that it's hard getting my feet to move. I look at the door, wanting to go back but know that I am supposed to be leaving. I close my eyes and shake my head. This already too complicated for me.
  Us. We are in this together.
  With I chuckle I enter the ether and head to Xander's office. First things first, I need him to approve my leave. If I can't spend time with her then doing the other things on my list don't matter.
  "You better be ready to put on a show. Make it believable. But don't go overboard" I warn him as Xander comes into view.
  To convince him I will have to come forward. We must convince hits beast too.
  Shit. I forgot about this part. I watch as Xander's back stiffens in his chair, and I know that I am out of time.
  "You better give me back control when it is time. I won't be pushed aside easily" I commend him.
  However, before I even finish my statement he jumps to the forefront of our consciousness and releases a low growl. I watch as Xander's dragon takes over too and cocks his head in our direction.
  "Settle down infant. This is one fight that I have already one" he warns as the gold of his eyes starts to swirl.
  "What the hell are you doing. We didn't come here for a challenge" I scream at him in my head. we seriously don't have time for this.
Just watch the master and learn. I know what I'm doing.
  "We both know why you won that fight. What you promised to me still has not shown itself in ten years. I have a right to a challenge if I see fit" he forms the words out of my mouth.
  Knowing that this is not something that I want to be a part of I try to take back over my body from my dragon. I push so hard that it causes us to hunch over before he easily wrestles back control. He doesn't push me behind a shield, so I keep trying to take over. He now hides his mind from me, and I can't see at all what he is up to.
  Wait, before you ruin it.
  "Is that a formal challenge. Say the words pet and I would be happy to put you in your place again, this time with no vision" Xander rises from his desk and leans over it getting in my face. My dragon holds his gaze with a smirk on his mouth that I would wipe off if I could.
  "We cannot challenge him. if we lose he can make us leave. She is here so we cannot leave" I say as I push for control trying to convince him.
  I sigh when we finally submit our gaze to Xander's dragon by looking away first. I take a few steps back and meet his gaze once more. "You have something I want, and I have something that you want. Why don't we make a deal?" I hear.
  "You have some nerve to try to make a deal with me. your barge in here whenever you feel and fuck with me on purpose. I have showed you what the universe has in store for you, I owe you nothing. I suggest you remember who is alpha around here. I am not some human who's head you can easily rip off. If you continue to fuck with me the I will END you" The dragon of Xander warns.
  "I told you that you would piss him off. You can't play your stupid games with everyone" I scream at him pissed that he has us in a situation.
  "Well, now that I have the cat out of the bag, I can finally get this show started. I just have one little condition to be met first" my dragon says as he leans against the wall casually. I roll my eyes at him swearing that I will get him back if Xander lays a finger on me. Xander's eyes flicker and I know his dragon is talking to his human. When they are done with their conversation my dragon finally breaks the tense silence.
  "There's the attention that I wanted. For a moment I thought you didn't care about me anymore dear buddy" my dragon says with a chuckle.
  Xander's dragon scoffs and leans back in his seat as he holds our gaze.
  "Right, I'm guessing that look means you want me to get to the point huh. You know as an alpha you really should use your words more. No one likes when people hide their true feelings.
  Communication is key after all to a healthy relationship" he says as if he is scolding a child.
  "Would you quit; he isn't going to tolerate this disrespect for much longer" I warn my dragon. He chuckles out loud to my words as if they don't bother him. beyond pissed off I push myself forward with all the power I have and take back control. For a moment I am happy that my dragon chose to lean against the wall so that I didn't fall when it happened.
  Catching my breath from the strain I rise until I am standing. "I need some time off" I state looking into the eyes of the dragon in front of me.
  "Your dragon is an insolence that I do not need. If I were you, I would take the time to train him properly before he gets you both killed" he warns before Xander suddenly comes forth.
  "What the hell Maximus. You already know that you are on thin ice with my beast. Why would you let your dragon continue to provoke him"? I get ready to answer but then it hits me. I don't have one. I stare at him not knowing what to say. I need this time off. It will be the only way that I can get close to the girl. I also don't need someone interfering.
  As we stare at each other in the tense silence I wonder what I could tell him to make him understand. "You are having trouble gaining control aren't you. I thought yesterday when you growled here that that was happening. You do know what you have to do right" he ask. I shake my head no wondering what he is going to say.
  "Dammit, Maximus. You haven't shifted in over a decade. This is the first time I have even heard your dragon speak let alone seen him take over." He says as he gets up to pace the room.
  "You really did it this time Marty, now he will never give us the time off" I sneer at my dragon.
  Shut and listen. And when I am proved right, let's just remember who the smart one here is.
  "You need to gain control of your dragon. We cannot have you going feral at a time like this. Things are changing and I don't think that it is for the better." He says as he stops pacing to meet my gaze. "But you are not going to worry about this right now. You need to isolate yourself, from everyone. Your cabin should be fine. You need to get acquainted with your dragon"
  "What!" I say shocked.
  "I don't want to hear any of your normal shit on this. You bunker down and calm your beast. You are both going to have to find a way to reconcile with the past. I will make sure that people steer clear of the area for now. I can check in every few days until you have a handle" He says as he takes his seat and starts doing something on his phone. Inside I'm reeling. What the crazy reptile did is actually working.
  Stop smiling dumbass. You are going to ruin all my work. Now trust me.
  I quickly wipe the smile off my face. I go to speak but before I can my dragon throws me behind a wall in our head. "I Maximus Lee Mathers wear fealty to Alpha Xander of the Scarlet Light Dragon Clan as Beta until the time of my death or until I am proven incompetent" He says in a rush.
  I bang against the glass in my mind wanting to stop him before he can utter the finality of the words. I rush forward too late to stop him as the shield in my head collapses and everything hits me at once. Dropping to my knees I scream at the foreign feelings that rise in my chest as each dragon in the clan is attached to me.
  "What did you do? You have no idea what this means. What did you do?" I hear myself screaming. In my anger tears fill my eyes knowing that now things can't be changed. I will be stuck here in this place.
  I flinch against the touch that lands on my shoulder and an unmistakable growl leaves my chest. Xander quickly removes his hand from me.
  "He tied you here didn't he. I know you feel like this is not something you wanted, but you will see in time that this is what is best" He says next to me.
  Hating his words I feel a snarl leave my lips as I send my body through the ether in a blind rage. When I land in the bedroom of my cabin I snarl again at the stupid beast in my head. He actually has the nerve to look at me as if he has done nothing wrong. "What the fuck is your problem. Why would you accept that role if you knew it was something that I never wanted?" I scream aloud at him.
  You will understand in time. We need the security if we are to win our mate. You will see.
  "I see nothing but what a mistake it was to ever give you any control. You have taken everything from me" I growl at him.
  I have just saved you. If you would only listen like a reasonable human than you would know why I took that action. You could not---
  Not wanting to hear another word, I push him into the back of my mind. I form a barrier between us and shut him away from me where I should have kept him. I watch him in my anger waiting for his tantrum against my shield, but he just sits there looking at me. For a moment guilt hits me at the betrayal that I see in his gaze. However, I quickly remember what he just did, and I just glare at him. He nods his head and then turns his back on me. HE turned his back on me after what he has done.
  I let out my frustration in a loud roar as I feel my anger rise at the motion. Whipping my head around the room for something to destroy I come to an abrupt halt. Shit, how the hell did I forget that she was here. I stare into her eyes as I watch them mist and the smell of her fear grows strong into the air. When I take a step toward her, she bolts from the room, and I take off after her. I can't just let her leave.
  I grab her around her waist with a curse as it throws us to the ground. Quick on my feet I hurriedly turn us so that I take the brunt of the impact from the wooden floors. Tingles spread all across my skin as she lands against the length of me and gets grasped into my arms. I groan as she begins to scream and fight me.
  Her body thrashes against mine as I feel her elbow jam into my ribs, and she kicks her head back to hit my chin. I loosen the hold of one of my hands as I bring it to wrap around her arms. As soon as I do she starts to kick her legs wildly land blows to my shins as I clench my jaw.
  "Stop before you hurt yourself. I am just trying to help you" I yell so she can hear me.
  "I don't need your help. Let me go you... you psycho" she screams back.
  I wrap my legs around hers quickly subduing her. She starts to thrash against me more and the tingles start to feel like a constant hum as so much of her touches so much of me. Needing to get her to calm I just start talking.
  "I am not going to hurt you Em. What you saw in the room was me losing control. I got angry at my beast. It had nothing to do with you. I would never hurt you. You are important.. an important person that I need to help me shape my future. I am not going to harm you" I relax my hold a little as she finally stops fighting me. Her breathing is heavy, and the pounding of her heart is so rapid in my ears. I feel her breath hitch. "I promise" I tell her knowing that she was ready to fight me again.

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