Fucking Mine-Maximus

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I wave Igneous off as he rushes to get out of the truck. He made it to Magma's cabin in record time to check on her. I sit still in the passenger seat as I wait for directions form my dragon. He seems to have a plan that will help us get our mate back and I am eager to hear it.

We need to get to the guard house. The person's whose help we need will be there. Get moving.

I jump out of the truck in a hurry as I start to wonder who he could be sending us too. There is no one else here in our clan that has my traveling capabilities. We can all travel in dragon form but before I can travel I need to find someone.

"What do you know?" I ask him.

You are not the only one who talks to others. I may not be able to communicate with other humans but us dragons do have conversations.

I pause for a moment at that. "You mean to tell me that our dragons can have their own conversations. You guys don't have to be front and center in our consciousness to do it" I say bewildered.

We have to be near each other to have a conversation. This is something that you will be able to understand soon.

"Way to be ominous. Why don't you every just say what you need to say" I tell him as I roll my eyes. I can almost spot the guard house in the distance.

We are a separate entity entirely. We do not grow as you humans do. We are born the way we are. We gain knowledge just as you but we use it differently. There has to remain some mystery in life.

"So you were born to be a pompous dick. That's good to know I guess" I say with a smirk. At least I know what I will be dealing with for the rest of my life.

And you were born to be a useless idiot who is unable to tell his face apart from his ass. You have lived your whole life running away from major problems instead of facing them like a man. You only call me names because you are afraid of what you see in the mirror. I may be a pompous dick but I would say that that is way better than a terrified douche bag.

"You know I can just put you back in your cage, you overgrown lizard dragon. The heat from your breath is making my brain sore" I yell at him.

Go ahead and try it hairy little virgin. If you think I'm bad now send me back to prison. I can make you feel every bone in your body crack if I take over.

"I'm the warden of the prison. If I don't let you out you can't do jack shit. Your little ploy doesn't work on me any more fucker" I tell him.

Wanna bet....

"Oh shit" I shout aloud as my body jerks to the ground. My jaws ache as my teeth start to elongate. The heat in my body causes me to grown as dick hardens in my pants. The skin of my chest fills with sweat and my vision blurs. My sex throbs against my thigh and I moan against the feeling. "Mate." I shout.

Fuck. I can't control it anymore. The heat is too strong. Look what you made me do!!!

"Hmm, I ...didn't .. do ....anything" I grit out between my teeth as another wave of heat leaves me. Fuck I need. I have no idea what it is that I need but I know I need something. As my back bows from a wave of heat I shout.

Emily. Mate. Need Mate.

No shit sherlock I think. As a picture of her comes to mind my mouth waters. Fuck. I want nothing more than to have her near me right now. I want to devour her until her entire body turns the shade of that beautiful flush. I want to search every inch of her tiny frame to see where else she has those light dusting of freckles. I want her body wrapped around mine so hard that I suffocate.

Yes. Yes we must have her. We must have all of her.

"Maximus, what is it. What happened?" I try to fight against the heat as I hear his voice. Who the hell is talking to me. Oh yeah Xander. Fuck, I really don't want to see his ugly mug right now. "Come on, we have to get you up. We can take you to the clinic" He says as he grabs my arm.

Where he touches me burns and I scream against the pain it brings. He quickly drops my arm as he curses. "Damn it you're burning up. What the hell did you do man" Something cool presses against my head and I moan against the slight bit of relief. I groan when it disappears. Man this shit has to stop. I feel like I'm dying. I close my eyes as the rays of the sun seem to bright.

"What the fuck? Where the hell did you just come from? And who the hell is that?" I hear Xander shout.

Suddenly the most heavenly smell fills the air. The smell makes my mouth water and my teeth ache. Damn that smell is sweet as fuck. It's so ripe I can taste the strawberries on the tip of my tongue and I don't even know the last time I bit once. I swallow against the scent and it fills as if smooth, warm honey flows down my throat. The heat in my body circulates against the sensation and I feel myself moving.

Mate. MINE!!

Fuck yeah she's mine. I open my eyes and I see her. The world stops as I meet her beautiful blue eyes. Her tiny pink tongue pops out of her mouth to swipe against her lower lip and I groan. I charge forward ready for a taste when suddenly all I feel is pain. The pain is restricting as it gathers around my mid-section and arms. I struggle to get away from it as I eye my mate. I need her. I fight against the hold as I struggle to get to her. I feel my claws slip out as my beast gives a mighty roar in my head.

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