Magma's Dragon Birth- Caldera

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This isn't right. It isn't right. This is no place to give birth to my young. The pain from them coming causes me to roar. I inhale air as I try to breathe through the pain. My talons slip out and I claw the surface of the bed hating the chemical stench of the sheets. My young cannot be born here. They will not be safe. If I have them here I will not be able to protect them.

I want to sag in relief as the pain subsides. Looking around the room I can see my mate as he stands there. I want him to help me but know that I cant. This is something that I have to do on my own. A whimper leaves my lips at the thought, but I have no choice. Making my gaze leave his I look to the nearest exit to find it blocked. Searching the room the window is clear. Rushing to it I use my claws to break the glass. Many shouts spring up behind me but I pay them no mind. I do not have much time. I feel as hand grab my arm and the tingles that spread let me know that it is my mate. Knowing that he is trying to stop me from leaving I push him away.

"I must protect my eggs" I scream at him and then I throw my body through the window. Landing on my feet outside was a close call. I lay a hand over my stomach to protect it as I run. Many step in my way trying to stop me as I throw them to the side. As I make it to the door of my cabin I lean against it in pain as my stomach tightens. As I scream flames leave my mouth. I rush inside through the pain as quickly as I can as I search.

I must gather what I need. I am running out of time. Seeing the house strewn in clothes I start to gather them. My claws easily shred the material into nice strips. But it's not enough. No its not enough. I need more. Running to the bedroom I see the coverings on the bed. Yes these will do nicely. Smelling of mate and me our young will be comfortable. I grab the coverings in my talons and start shredding them at once. The pieces are gone together, and I pause as I arrange them. I frag the pieces through my mouth wetting them in my saliva. They need to be right. Oh they need to be right.

A new smell hits my nostrils and it has me freezing with a loud growl. I look at those who have entered and swipe a claw in their direction telling them to stay back. As I claw and growl at them one of my hands keeps working through my nest. I drag the strips of fabric in my mouth and place them where I want. Yes, yes this will do. This will be perfect for them. Sniffing the piles I frown at the scents. Something here is missing. It is missing something.

I bare down once more as the pain hits. Everything in me is telling me to push and yet I cant. Then it hits me. This is so much of my scent. I need to add more to the scent. But what scent. What scent would make it right. Then the scent hits my nose. the scent is fiery and perfect. It makes my mouth water. Yes I need that scent. I rise from my piles and sniff in his direction. "Mate" I call him. There is so much pressure between my legs. I need to relieve it. I need to let it go. It has to go. And yet he stands here frozen. Does he not know that I need him. That I need his scent.

Someone steps in front of him and I release a loud growl as I watch them. "Mine" I say in warning. Other voices begin to speak. I don't want their voices. I don't need the sounds. I need my mate. The pain is starting to become too much. Too much time has passed. I will just take him. Yes he is mine and I can take him. Stepping forward a path is cleared. I watch the others wearily as I step to my mate. As I growl they move out of my way.

They just need to leave. I do not want them here. There scents are not right. When mate grabs my hand I sigh in relief. My claws dig into him, and his scent fills the air strongly with the faint metallic scent of blood. Yes, yes this will do. I cover the shiny red drop with the fabric and add them to my pile. When it is gone it is still not enough. I need to push, and it is still not enough. I growl in frustration when the scents don't match.

Eyeing the fabric that covers his skin I smile. Yes this is what I need. My claws slash forward, and I strip the fabric from his body. Yes, this will be enough. This will work. The pile is done, and it is perfect. My young will be safe and happy. But it must be warm. The liquids make it cold, and it cannot be cold. Fire I need fire. Inhaling I release a low blaze around us and watch the embers stoke. Making sure that they do not go out I start to push.

The strain is terrible, and it feels as if they rip me apart. My breathing is heavy, and my body is so tired. But they are almost here. My young are almost here. Finally I feel the weight leave me. Moving to the side I admire the color of my first. So pretty. So so pretty and all mines. I lick the surface as it lies on the scents of me and my mates. So soft and fragile. I must make them hard and invincible. No one will get to my young. No one can harm them.

Feeling the pressure wants more. I sit back next to it and push. Oh so much easier. Yes. Yes. Such fragile human body tears. As I push I notice that the flames are lowering, and I release a fresh torrent of flame to stoke the fire. When it is properly stoked the second egg falls and I move to attend to it. This one is different but still pretty. So pretty. So so pretty. I lick the shell feeling as it hardens from my tongue. It is strong. They will be strong.

I need to protect them. They have to stay safe. I cannot protect them like this. Humans are weak. So so weak. My body is hard to hurt. It is better. My body must protect my young. I will not leave them. I will be guard. My young will be safe until they hatch yes. Yes they will.

Without another thought I let my body take over. I am careful. So careful not to hurt my eggs and my mate. Seeing him close this is right. This is very right. Our eggs are pretty. We did well. So so well. I lick his face as I thank him in my form. He taste good. So yummy. I wrap my tail around my eggs to keep them safe. No one can get past my spikes. I will stand guard here and no one can get to them. No one can hurt them. They are mine. All mines. All mines. Here they are safe.

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