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I squint my eyes more as I try to see through the dense darkness of the forest. Reaching out a hand I quickly check to make sure that Julia is still close by. Even though I can hear the sounds of her footsteps I just need to be sure. Bugs buzz around us and I swipe the air trying to keep them away from my face. The last thing I need is for one of them to go into my eye and obstruct my vision more.

I look at the fullness of the moon and for once I am glad it is full. Normally on nights like these I feel a restless urge like I have too much energy. Tonight the feeling is replace with something that I am unable to name. It feels like there are a thousand eyes are on me and they feel anything but comforting. My eyes constantly watch the forest as I wait for something to happen. I just know that something is going to happen.

"Are you sure that we are heading in the right direction?" Julia ask with a huff.

Her breathing is heavy, and I know that she is tired. My body has started to feel the edges of fatigue also. I can hear my heart pounding in my ears and the heaviness of my over worked limbs. As far as the direction, I seriously wasn't sure, but something is telling me that we are going the right way. It's almost as if a part of me can sense a connection to him.

"Yeah, I think we are" I tell her as I start to pick up the pace.

"Think? What do you mean you think? Please tell me that you aren't having me trudge through the forest with you and you don't actually know where we are going?" she nearly shrieks.

"It will be okay Jules. We are going the right way. I can feel it" I tell her with confidence.

"How? It's too dark to even see anything. If I weren't walking next to you listening to your steps I wouldn't even still be here. It's a wonder that we haven't run into a tree yet" She complains.

Odd I can see the trees. The darkness really isn't too bad with the moon out like it is. Curiously, I decide to ask her to see exactly how much she can see. "Can you see that boulder ahead. It's about fifty feet away" I ask her as I look at her face.

"Nope" she shakes her head in dismay. I watch as she squints her eyes trying to see more. Feeling a bit confused I start to wonder why I can see so well. Now that I think about it there is definitely an improvement on my sight. Normally I wouldn't be able to see this well. I wonder what else has changed about me.

Before I can ponder the thought however a new sound fills the air. My feet pause as I cock my head to the side trying to listen. Is that a car. Who the hell would be driving at this time a night. Turning around I try to find the lights of the car. However I don't see them.

"Her Julia, you hear a car right?" I ask her.

"No, is that why we stopped. I thought that we were finally about to set up camp" she says as she stretches. "Wait, no now I hear it. How did you hear it before I did?"

Before I can answer however lights can be seen through the trees. There are several sets of them, and I realize that there are many of them. "Run" I say as I snag her by the arm. I have no idea what's going on with me, but something is telling me that we aren't safe.

I quickly pull us into the trees as the vehicles approach. Our heavy breaths fill the air as the vehicles stop in front of us. When men start to exit the vehicle I quickly cover Julia's mouth as I cover my own. She raises a hand to take mine away and I shake my head at her frantically knowing that now wouldn't be a good time to speak.

"Check the area. They are still near here. I can smell them" One of the men yells. I crouch down lower behind the tree as I pray that he won't see us. "The light skinned one we want alive. If you find the chocolate one she is yours to play with as you please" He says with a sinister chuckle.

The Redemption of MaximusWhere stories live. Discover now