You've Done It Now- Emily

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I slam the door with a loud CRACK that reverberates through the cabin and sprint behind Maximus. I hunch down waiting for the giant man to make his entrance.

"Come on Maximus. Now would be a wonderful time for you to unfreeze" I scream at him only for it to go unanswered.

The front door flies open, and the hulking man fills the entire doorway. As enormous as he is there is no way he isn't a dragon I think as he ducks under the door frame.

"Who the fuck are you?" He shouts.

Keeping my eyes averted I stare at the floor as tears fill my eyes and I plead with him. "I don't want any trouble buddy. You can just go back to wherever you came from" I shout as I cower.

"ANSWER ME!" he demands. The air in the cabin suddenly grows thick and an invisible weight bares down on me as the words leave my lips unbidden.

"Emily, my name is Emily" I cry. I feel as if the oxygen has been ripped from the room as the words are torn from my chest. I'm suddenly suffocating under the invisible strain and black spots are appearing at the edge of my vision.

"How did you get here and where is my guard!!" He demands to know.

"Oh God. Please stop!!" I beg. "I. Can't. Breathe. I gasp out.

Suddenly the weight of the room slowly decreases, and I collapse as gravity returns to normal. I pant trying to catch my breath as I still avoid the gaze of the giant stranger.

"How did you get here?" He ask once more. The authority is still there in his voice commanding me to answer. I sigh in relief to discover that it is not as harsh as before.

"He brought me here so I could get answers. We were to exchange information before he let me go at the end of the week" I say in a robotic voice. The truth leaves my mouth in a rush not wanting to upset him again. "He is still here but I don't know what happened to him. Can you help him?" I ask as I look up at Maximus.

"If he were here then I would know. Do you take me for a fool human" I hear him say.

Shaking my head I say no. I try to lift my head in his direction but am unable to. I can't even find the energy to rise from the floor.

"A fool no. A beast definitely" I say unable to hold my tongue. The invisible weight pushes down on my once more and a low curse leaves my lips. "I can see him. When he is invisible I can see him!" I yell to save myself.

"Explain. Remember that it would do you well to show some respect. I do not take kindly to those who are beneath me showing disrespect" he warns.

The air of authority disappears. Even still I don't look up as I answer. "When we talked last night, he had a fight with his beast. I believe he tried to travel like he does but got stuck. He has been in this frozen state since then." I say.

My entire body freezes as I hear his steps come in my direction. My body trembles knowing that he could hurt me if he wanted to. I silently curse myself for answering the door. Perhaps I should have stayed hidden like Maximus said.

"You say you can see him. Is this true" he ask as his feet entire my line of sight. Not wanting to speak I simply nod. "Where?"  In response I stretch my arm out across the floor and lay my hand on Maximus' foot. The giant above me hums.

"Maximus Return" I hear him command as his command makes the air heavy around once more. As the silence stretches I slowly remove my hand away from his foot.

"You will be coming with me! I need to get him taken care of" he states as he starts to make his way toward the door.

What! "The hell I will! I don't even know who you are! I state as I start to rise from the floor. My body feels a little weak and I place a hand on the arm of the couch to steady myself.

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