It's Fated- Maximus

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"Come back to me" I hear as I float inside the ether. I thought that the world was playing a trick on me. We have been traveling for so long with no destination. There is nothing here and I am lost. But the voice it echoes. It sounds like "Em-Emily" I say as my dragon chimes in calling for his mate. Something in my heart tugs. It's the first feeling I have had since we got stuck here. Knowing that I need to follow it I tug. With that one tug we go flying through the ether.

It feels solid and warm. Oh my something taste amazing. The scent of our mate fills the air and I have never been happier to see someone. But my eyes are closed where is she? I move my lips against the taste and suddenly it disappears. I groan as I instantly miss the flavor. I open my eyes to see my mate so close to me. As she licks her lips I know that it was her I was tasting. God I need more.

Taste more. We can taste so much more.

Grabbing her behind the neck I bring her back to my mouth. Fuck she's sweet. It's like warm honey is trickling down my throat. Needing to taste more I stick the tip of my tongue in her mouth. Hell, I don't know if this is okay or what people do during kissing. All I know is I want the taste on my tongue. When her lips wrap around it and suck I almost lose my mind.

I lift my hands to touch her as more of her taste fills my mouth and groan hard and low. She flicks her tongue against mine and I under neath her. She squirms above me, and the friction is out of this world. I move a hand to her waste to guide her to do it again. She moans into my mouth in response, and it makes me want to take a bite out of her.

Yes, our bite will bring her more pleasure. More heat.

Yes, more heat. We need more heat. As I grab onto her ass to anchor her too me. I hate the fabric in the way. My fingers tingle wanting to release my claws to remove the fabric. There is too much fabric in my way. Using the hand on the back of her neck I change the angle of the kiss so I can remove it. I drag my teeth along her lower lip in frustration because I can't use my claws. I don't want to hurt her.

We need her. We must take her now.

My hand reaches the tie on her clothing as she gives me more friction. I groan again needing the clothes gone so I can taste more of her. I'm going to taste all of her right now if it kills me. Suddenly it all leaves me. I lean up as she pulls away and is disconnected my eyes flying open. Her weight leaves me and so do her lips as I growl to have it back. I see her on the floor, and I automatically reach for her to see if she is okay.

Once I'm done checking on her I finally realize that there are others in the room. Seeing Magma standing over us I just know that she is the one that stopped us. I can't even stop the glare that I give her for the interruption. As my gaze stays on Emily I barely even hear it as her and Igneous make jokes at the interruptions I caused them. Not liking the pay back I know that it will be something I will try not to do in the future.

I listen as they talk but my eyes stay on my mate. I can feel the warmth and tingles from her skin, yet I want more. I want to feel so much more from her. Before I can start to replay that kiss over and over in my mind I tune in as Magma speaks after Xander.

"So, looks like there are many things we need to talk about. You who has been hiding his beast all this time" she says gesturing to me.. "you who none of us seem to know about but you know about us" she says gesturing to my mate.. "And you who is hiding something so big that you are willing to sacrifice a life to see it solved" she concludes.

"Whose life" I growl thinking that I already know the answer.

He would hurt our mate. No one can hurt her. I will not let this stand.

"I did it for your own good. We needed you back to help the rest of our species. One of our own has gone missing and we know who is behind it." he states as he holds his hands in the air. I growl at him as I prepare to rise from the bed.

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