Holding On-Maximus

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Damn. Nothing has ever felt this good. She fits my tall frame perfectly. It's like she was made to be cradled by me. Everywhere that her body touches mine has erupted in tingles. My body feels like a live wire, and I don't quite know what to do with the feeling. My fingers are wiggling, and I want to lay them on her. I just don't know where to touch. She is so small compared to me that I'm afraid that with all the energy I feel I might hurt her. She moves just the smallest wiggle and I have to bite my lip to stop the grown from leaving my lips.

"I don't know if this was a promising idea man" I tell my dragon.

Stop being a pussy. She's touching us right. Just enjoy it. I know I am.

Trying to find something to distract myself I suddenly remember that we are playing a game. I quickly remind her of it. her body shakes in laughter, and I can't help but to join her. With the way she feels against me I really don't care if we never talk again. As long as she doesn't move I think I can die happy.

We can die happy. Since you keep forgetting about me, you can go first. She already likes me better anyways.

"Yeah I wouldn't be too sure about that. You remember what she said earlier. She saw you that day. She may not be to kind to you if she were to remember" I remind him. I feel as his body goes rigid as he rolls around. When he stops I know that what I just said wasn't right. I go to apologize to him but instead she speaks her next question.

"So, do all guards get this much time off, or are you something special" she ask through her smile. I look down only seeing just her hair. I would love it if she were to look up so that I could see her eyes. Instead I settle for breathing in her scent this close to me. I can smell nothing but her and for the moment I wouldn't have it any other way.

Ha-ha special. If you're special then I'm the fucking golden boy.

A chuckle leaves my lips as I answer. "No, normally our shifts are pretty long. We work for seventy-two hours and then get forty-eight off. As the lead guard I usually work at some point each day" I say. At the sound of my breath she relaxes more into me. unable to help myself I close my eyes as I lean my head against the arm rest.

"What about you? How would you normally spend your day?" I question her.

"Well, normally at this time I would be leaving the news station. Most of the stories I do can be reported over email or a phone call. My days are spent behind a desk. In the evening if I don't see my best friend Julia or out on a date, then I hang at home" she says.


Before I can stop it a growl leaves my chest at the thought of her being out with another man. If I have anything to say about it, then she won't be going home to have any more dates. "These dates. Do you uh...go on them often?" I ask unable to leave it alone.

She chuckles and my eyes snap open. I have a feeling that I'm not going to like her answer. "Easy there Mr. Grumpy Pants. Most of the ones I have been on haven't gone that well. After all, here I am at the age of twenty-four and still single" she says. It's hard to identify the tone of voice she uses but if I had to say, I don't think she likes the fact that she is still single.

"Have you ever thought about going on a date" she ask as she brings her head up to meet my gaze.

I can feel myself frown at the thought. Taking someone on a date has never crossed my mind. Most of my thoughts when it comes to women have been completely platonic. Well, except for the few thoughts I have had about Magma. Even then however, I never thought of taking her out.

As I search her gaze I get a hopeful feeling. Maybe she is asking because she wants to go on a date with me. I wouldn't even know where to start. I don't even know what people do on dates. Shit. I'm probably going to fuck this up.

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