Torturing Secrets-Maximus

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As I drop us into the cell of Igneous' father I quickly fade into the background. Igneous should already know that I am still here because I want the information too. If his bastard of a father can't see me then he might say more than he means.

"Well are you going to greet your father or stand there and do nothing like you have always done. Don't worry son I am used to you disappointing me" he spits. As the old man stares at his son he doesn't ever throw his wife a glance. Her eyes have started to water, and I am hoping that she is not going to cry. I seriously hate it when females cry.

"You are not my father. That ended the day you decided you would let me die in some experiment instead of sending me to my mate who could help me. Just tell me why the hell I am here" Igneous says. If I didn't know better I would say that the human has a dragon of his own with the way his baritone deepens as he talks.

"Now where would the fun in that be. You are the one that needs something from me and yet here you are trying to demand me. You have forgotten your place boy" he says as he rises to stand. Igneous' chuckle fills the air as he shakes his head looking at the ground.

"I haven't forgotten my place Michael. I've finally found it. You should remember that you are the one that requested that I be here. That means that there is something that you want from me. So, yes I can demand answers because without them you won't get a damn thing from me that you are trying to accomplish" Igneous states.

I watch with a smirk as his stance relaxes. He guides his mother over to a chair in the corner and helps her take a seat. She says nothing as she sits quietly staring at her husband. I would even say that she appears to be in shock as she stares at him.

"Aww, look at you taking care of your mommy. Looks like I taught you something right after all. We have to nurture those we want to control otherwise they forget their place. I would be careful if I were you though, she hides more than you think" he says as he goads Igneous.

"I don't have time for your lies or your manipulations. What do you want?" Igneous shouts as he lays an arm around his mother.

"Oh really. Are you not curious to how I was able to make it into this camp? How I knew where Jefferson would be or how I took him? How do you think I have so much information?" he says with an evil smile. My gaze flicks to Igneous' mom as her heart rate starts to skyrocket. What the hell did she tell him.

"Lies" Igneous yells. He takes a menacing step toward his father with his fist balled up.

"I may be many things boy but a liar I am not. You will know what I mean soon. After all two apples never fall far from a tree" he states. I stand straighter as I hear him talk about Magma's children. However, anyone in the clan could have mentioned that. It is the most talked about news. "You still feel like you will be a better father than me. Tell me how is your dragon? It been about a month now, right? I hope she is keeping those two eggs hot, if not I'm afraid you might lose them" he taunts.

Igneous jumps across the room as he attacks the old man as his mother screams. I step forward in case I need to step in to stop him from killing him. We still need our questions answered. "I didn't know son. I only talked to him because I missed him. I didn't know that he was using the information I gave him to take someone from here. He acted so much like he cared" Igneous mother shouts with tears rolling down her face. He pulls away from pummeling his father to hold his mother as she sobs. The old man pulls himself up from the floor slowly with a groan as he spits the blood out of his mouth. He hold his jaw as he glares at his son.

"Pull yourself together Ivette. No one likes a weak woman" he spits out. Igneous moves to attack him once more but his mother only holds him tighter. As he rubs her back he settles for comforting her as he glares at his father. The man really is a piece of work. "Now that we have the formalities out of the way. Let's see why you are here?" he says almost as if he is talking to himself.

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