Chapter 2

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Danielle's POV:

Liam had finally stopped pestering me about my emotions and had left to finish breakfast. I sighed and laid back on the bed, my curls fanning out around me. How did that person know what was going on with last night between my boyfriend and I?

I still felt very uncomfortable as I took a regretful look at my phone. Maybe it was just a prank. A really accurate prank. I took a hesitant reach to my phone but my actions abruptly ceased. My memories of fans flashing through my mind. Many of them loved Liam and I's relationship, they usually said it as they "shipped" us. What if it was a fan?

I shook off any thoughts of the mysterious text as Liam's head popped up suddenly from my side.

"What are you doing, Love?"

I jumped at the sound of his deep, gorgeous voice. His loud chuckle could be heard throughout his room as I giggled.

"You scared me Liam!"  I giggled in a childish way, pulling back the sheets and crawling out of the bed.


He smiled an innocent smile and I couldn't help but grin back at him as his cheeks speckled in pink.

"It's fine, but I was just checking my messages." I answered his question honestly, just leaving out the disturbing information that went along with it.

"Ok, I just want you to know that breakfast is ready. I made chocolate chip pancakes."

"Mmm. My favorite."

He knew it was my favorite, he had made it many times before. I quickly deleted the message on my phone before placing it back on his dresser. My tiny feet carried me over to Liam who took my hand. We proceeded down the hallway and into the kitchen. It smelled absolutely divine, my fingers slipped from his as I practically ran to the table covered in food.

Liam sat next to me, laughing as I quickly grabbed the syrup to cover my pancakes. I had poured half the bottle when his melodic tone spoke.

"Aren't you going to save some for me?"

I laughed slightly as I placed the sticky bottle down, pushing it lightly towards him.

"Sorry, I just like a lot of syrup."

He smiled as he reached for the syrup.

"I know."

He poured his desired amount of syrup onto his pancakes and began to eat the buttery goodness. I turned to face my food, digging my fork into the fluffy circles. I had trouble eating it, everytime it came close to my mouth it would flop off of my fork and back onto the plate. Liam had finished his food by the time I had half of mine eaten. He had gotten up to place his plate in the sink. I felt his eyes on me as he stood near the worktop.

"Your so adorable when you eat." He stated, making his way towards me.

I blushed at his compliment, if that was even a compliment.  He sat next to me and grabbed my plate.

"Here." He dug the fork into the pancake, stabbing it successfully and bringing it up to my mouth.

"Are you feeding me?"

He smiled and pushed the fork forward, leaving me no choice but to open my mouth. He placed the fork into my mouth and I took the food into my mouth, chewing quickly. We continued like that until there was nothing left on the plate. He left me to put the plate in the sink and then walked out of the room.

"Liam?" I questioned, chasing after him.     

He continued down the hallway, but his longer legs proved as an advantage, he soon gained distance and he disappeared somewhere in his house after I turned my head for a second.

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