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Trey watched as she cooked breakfast and was catching him up on everything that happened to her since they stopped talking and it angered him.

The fact that she let a nigga like Marcell belittle her and make her feel not pretty was really making Trey want to pop him and after thinking it through Trey decided that he was going to pay a visit to Marcell.

Brooklyn looked back seeing him flex his jaw and she put the spatula down walking over to him standing in between his legs she knew that look he was angry.


"Why didn't you call me Brook I know we stopped talking but did you think that if you was to call that I wasn't going to pick up or something I'm supposed to look out for you and take care of you and the time I didn't all that happens so yea i'm mad Brook" Trey huffed looking away from her.

Brooklyn grabbed his face and made him look at her "Trey it's not your fault now cheer up I thought us reconnecting was a happy thing"

He smiled a little only because of her it was like her smile was infectious he could be mad at the world but her smile would make him feel at peace.

But it didn't change his mind he was going to kill Marcell he wanted him to pay and he stood up not resisting the urge his trigger finger was twitching and Brooklyn looked at him.

"Hey where you going I just cooked" Brooklyn sighed smacking her lips and he looked at her as he put his jacket on.

"I- gotta handle some business I'm sorry i'll call you I promise"

"Your going to do something-

"No i'll even share my location with you" Trey looked at her knowing he was lying but he needed her to feel better about the situation.

"Okay well bye" She hugged him tight and he hugged her back and he turned around leaving in a hurry not even grabbing anything to eat.

Brooklyn watched as he left she could tell something was off but she didn't waste any time to question it because she had class in a hour.

( AN is anyone reading this lol if you are can you comment please 🤣)

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