Chapter 2 - New Home

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"New Home"

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"H.H" he mumbled. "This might be her initials, I wonder what her name is" Naruto said to himself before sliding the handkerchief to his back pocket.

They took a taxi from the train station, its another 30 minutes drive before they reach Jiraiya's house. Naruto observed the place carefully as if memorizing each structures and fields. Well he is living here for the next 2 years of his life why not make himself familiar with the place.

And every time he sees a girl that has a long dark hair, he gets excited and moves his head closer to the window.

"Funny, am I hoping to see her again?" he smiled remembering the girls reaction to their accidental embrace back in the train.

"Stop doing that boy, you look like a perv you know" his godfather said noticing his smirk.

"Cut it out old man! I am no you dattebayou!!!" he pouted as he cross his arms still gazing outside.

"The place is nice, I can live in here" he whispered as he lean and rest his back at the car seat.

"You will like it in here, this place may not be as grand as the city but it is equally great!" Jiraiya said proudly.

Still looking outside, Naruto noticed a big traditional Japanese house, it is elevated above the ground making it more majestic, a couple of sakura trees adorn the front facade of the house.

"Say pop, is that a temple?" he asked his godfather.

"No son, its owned by one of the most powerful clan in this town the Hyuugas"

He explained "But only the care takers live there now, most of the family members were already living abroad, they also need to make a living you see" he added.

"Cool, I'll go take a picture, my friends back in Tokyo would love to see that!". Naruto took his cellphone and tried to capture a photo of the mansion but couldn't get a good shot since there were lot of trees and add the fact that they were inside a cab.

"Need not to worry son, You'll be seein' that everyday, see that building a few meters away, that'll be your school" Jiraiya pointed to a structure just a few meters behind the traditional mansion.

"Eeh!?" Naruto sighed in disbelief. He actually did not noticed the building since he was captivated by the beauty of the mansion.

"Where did that came from?!"Naruto added scratching his cheek with his index finger. Jiraiya laughed with his godson's reaction.

After a couple of minutes the cab stopped in front of a big wooden traditional Japanese gate.

"We're here boy! Welcome to your new home!" Jiraiya said unloading the last of Naruto's luggage from the trunk.

"Eeeh!!!you live in a Japanese house old man!?" Naruto exclaimed. His eyes scanned the gate, its ornaments and the copper roof.

"Let's get inside and take a look for yourself" Jiraiya smiled. Dragging two of Naruto's luggage.

" Uhn" Naruto nodded still can't believe that this old man can afford the construction of a Japanese house.

"Hmn... he do earns a lot from writing those rubbish pervert books!" he told himself as he followed his godfather dragging another two luggage.

And there it is, stood a couple of meters away from the gate is his godfather's humble abode. The house is a mixture of both western and traditional. The front facade is purely traditional style, proof of this were the round columns along the front door that extend until the front of the shinkabe room (thin wall Japanese Room) which is slightly opened showing the green tatami mats inside. The front yard is huge, at the right side just in front of the shinkabe room was a pond with lots of koi fishes to his excitement and what makes the house unique is that the center architecture was very westernize, it even had solar roof panels.

"Strange, like him" Naruto said to himself.

"Ei pop!!! Its quite a big house, neh?" Naruto said looking around, checking the interior of the house.

"Well, now you've mentioned it... Mmm yeah I think it is, ha!ha!ha!" Jiraiya laughed.

"Really strange" Naruto sighed.

"I'll fix us dinner, you go find yourself a room- just like what you've said, this is a big house so there were several rooms upstairs, you can pick any room except mine-don't worry I have it all cleaned for you!" his god father winked before entering the the kitchen.

"Seriously?!" Naruto mumbled as he pick all of his luggage, 2 trolleys-one on each hand and 2 backpack-one on each shoulder.

Naruto dragged his belongings upstairs and after almost 20 steps he reached the top.

"Geez! Its too heavy -ttebyou" he exclaimed as he let go his baggage onto the floor, hands on his knees he catch his breath as he wipe his sweat.

He looked at the hallway before him. The old man is saying the truth, there were so much room in there.

"What the- dattebayou!?"

"Why so much rooms? Is he really alone in here" he scanned the hallway and count the doors.

He remembered their condominium unit back in Tokyo, the space was just enough for their family, 2 rooms an LDK (Living-Dining-Kitchen) style set up, very much different from where he is now.

"Eight rooms- Yosh! Room Hunting!!!" he leave his belongings and ran to open all the rooms and get the best room for himself.

He picked the last room in the hallway, not just because it is the room nearest to Jiraiya's but because of its access to the balcony and from there he can see the school and the majestic Hyuuga mansion.

"Guess I'm going to love this place after all" he said admiring the view.

"Dad, Mom, this is my new home now, you don't need to worry about me anymore okay, love you both" he said smiling yet controlling his tears not to burst.

He settled his things, there were two huge built-in closets and by the looks of it he instantly knew that one closet would be more than enough for his things.

While he was unloading all his clothes, he heard Jiraiya's voice.

"Nice pick boy! You can see all the passing girls when you are at the balcony"

"Shut up! Can we eat now? I'm starving" Naruto said his hand on his stomach.

"Yes, you can go downstairs before trying this on" Jiraiya said as he throw 5 paper bags at the bed.

"What are those?" Naruto asked as he stood up to check the bags on his bed.

" You'll be starting school tomorrow and that will be your uniforms"

"Ehh?! Too soon!?" was the only words that left Naruto's mouth.

Hey guys! I know that there were not much naruhina moments in this chapter :-) don't worry we will have many of that along the way!

Anyway thanks for reading! Until the next chapter.

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