Chapter 17 - Remembering Home

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Remembering Home

Yosh!!! today's the day we go to Tokyo. The whole class assembled outside the Shinkansen (Bullet train) station, last minute reminders should be disseminated to every one.

"Okay! Everyone! Listen ... " Sakura shouted and sure enough everybody stopped talking and listened carefully. "Naruto .. " She said as she let me explain the basics.

"Okay, as for the first timers there is no direct line from here to Tokyo so we will stop in Osaka to transfer to a different Shinkansen and that will bring as to Tokyo, expect the travel to last for about five hours." I cleared my throat.

"Some of the details including the map, the schedule and the Hotel where we will be staying are all detailed in the hand outs we have given you yesterday, If you have any questions during the trip please do approach me or Sakura Chan or any member of the committee, is everything clear? questions?" I looked at them.

"Foods? are foods free?" Chouji raised a hand.

"Only the ones served in the Hotel, So its just breakfast and dinner .. any other questions?" Silence ... " Yosh!!! Let's Go Dattebayou!" I shouted as I threw my fist upward.

Being a committee did not help me to be seated next to Hinata, much to my dismay. The committee members need to sit next to each other for some additional info sharing so I was stuck with Sakura beside me.

Hinata is seating beside Kiba, Shikamaru with Choji, Shino with Zaku and Sai was sitting next to Ino - I didn't know that they were an item, the two were just too exact opposite of each other though.

After the committee's final discussion I put on my head phones and relax myself to sleep. Sakura chan is too noisy beside me, bubbling at every beautiful scenery in front of her, well I don't blame her it was really breath taking.

So after five hours of travel we finally reached our destination and it is already 2 in the afternoon, our hotel was in Shibuya making it easier for me to meet my Tokyo friends. Booking a hotel for the whole class was the hardest part luckily the spring is over so hotels were not that loaded, we don't want to end up in *capsule rooms anyway. I also contacted Shion to help me with the room reservations and she even gave us huge discounts.

"People! check your handouts for your room number, each room has 4 beds and it can occupy two people- meaning you need to share the bed with someone"Sakura explain before we enter the hotel.

"Can I share room with Ino chan?" Sai raised a hand and casually asked.

"Of course not idiot!" Sakura hissed and Ino blushed.

"Boy's rooms are separated with the girl's .. its normal like that" She fumed. "And it should stay like that!" and she stormed inside the hotel and the others followed her.

"Naruto? where is Kakashi sensei? "Shikamaru asked looking around "Haven't noticed him yet".

"Hehe, he was late as usual... we have no choice but to leave without him because of the reservations" I put my left hand at the back of my neck as if scratching it. Kakashi sensei is Kakashi sensei...

"But he said he'll catch up he must have left Fukuoka by this time... ... I hope" I added.

"Such a drag.."Shikamaru made a lazy face. "Naruto, you're gonna be sharing the same room with us right?" his expression changed.

I nodded. "Yep, that's for sure, perks of being a committee " I winked at him and he smiled in return. Well that is one advantage of being a committee you got to have the chance to pick whatever best for you. Since each room can occupy 8 person I made sure that all of us, me, Kiba, Shika, Chouji, Shino and Sai were together in the same room. -just the six of us.

"Hmmmm... If I didn't know less, I bet you wanted to share a room with her" he looked at me and turned his head to the opposite direction.

"What?!" I followed his gaze, he was looking at Hinata who noticed us and gave as a wave. I immediately felt blood rushing to my face realizing what Shikamaru meant.

"Shut up Shikamaru!" I blushed as I marched my way inside the hotel.

Shikamaru laughed as he followed my lead.

After unpacking our stuffs I jumped on the bed beside the window.

"This one's mine!" and I spread my whole body on top of it.

"No fair Naruto! I want that one" Kiba growled.

"Hahaha first come first served dude .. besides I'm a committee I got lots to do so I'll gonna be using this space here.". I said tapping the space beside me.

"Hmmp! Okay then this ones..... " he was about to jump on the bed next him but Shika and Sai were already there, while the last two bed were already occupied by Chouji and Shino. "What?!" he cried. Now he need to choose who he will share the bed with and obviously, Shino is the best choice.

"Life isn't fair at all" Kiba muttered as he put his bag on his part of the bed.

"Naruto, lets go out... give us a tour around Shibuya" Kiba asked as he unload his belongings from his bag. "Naruto?" he asked again but still received no answer.

Kiba looked around and saw a sleeping blonde slumped on the bed.


All were advised to stay in the hotel until Kakashi sensei arrived, many of the girls decided to go swimming while the boys went to the gym and some played billiards while others go to Karaoke lounge. And to those who would like to explore Shibuya they need to sign a waiver first but the problem is that the signatory is Kakashi sensei and obviously he is still not here.

And our ever favorite teacher arrived at around 6 in the evening and the number of students who wants his signature is overwhelming.

"Take it easy, I feel like a superstar" he said while signing our waivers.

"Shut up sensei"  the students answered back.

With my waver signed. I decided to have a walk around the city, the other guys just decided to have a trip to the grand pool at the top of the hotel and ended up flirting with some guests. As I was about to leave the hotel I saw Hinata at the lobby, but when I was about to approached her, Sakura and Ino came out from nowhere and tugged her along.

"So they have plans tonight ei.." I looked at her as she happily walked along them, and then I blushed remembering that we will be having a date before we end this trip... Ooohh boy I am so excited!

With that in mind I started to get my feet do its work, I don't have a particular destination actually, I just want to feel this place again this place I once called home. I may be living in a new place now and somehow that place in the country side is my new home, with new friends, new classmates and even experiencing this new feeling towards a certain girl - but this place in the middle of Tokyo still hold a place in my heart.

After some 30 minutes of walking I found myself in front of a familiar, very familiar place - my house.

I looked at it, yes it do look the same but feels a bit different. I can't feel the warmth I usually do whenever I ran home from school, just the tip of our roof makes me feel excited. But right now looking at this empty house, its .. its .. ... I don't know .. nothing.

"I guess I can never again yelled 'Tadaima'(I'm home) whenever I opened your door" Geez, I promised never to cry about this things but I just can't hold back.

"And never again will I hear someone answering me 'Welcome Home'" and here I am imagining my parents again, cuddling me the way they used to be.

I wiped my face using the sleeves of my sweatshirt.

"Naruto... " Someone called my name.

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