Chapter 15 - Explanation

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The Explanation

"THE ENGAGEMENT IS OFF! MY DAUGHTER SHALL NOT BE MARRIED TO SUCH A SAVAGE BEING!!!" Hiashi yelled and it echoed through out the four corners of Hinata's room.

"Now you got some explaining to do young lady" he looked at Hinata who were still clinging to Naruto's left leg. The two were too shocked to move, they can't believe what Hiashi just did to Toneri.

Hiashi ordered his body guards to bring Toneri's unconscious body back to his clan members. Hiashi knew that this can start a feud between the latter's clan but he doesn't care anymore ... ... his daughter's well being should be on top of his priorities right now.

"Ko, take Hanabi back to her room" he ordered a brown haired guy with a bandanna who immediately complied.

Now, only Naruto, Hinata and the clan leader were left inside the room. Naruto on the other hand wanted to faint, he is just too happy that the engagement was finally canceled off but at the same time too nervous to look at Hinata's father remembering what he was blubbering about him and Hinata. He took a deep breath as the the clan leader approach him.

"And now, what to do with you?"


Uh-oh, now what? am I going home just like Toneri?

I cannot move, I think every inch of my muscles were too afraid to move. I saw Hinata's father shift stance aiming for me. Here it is! I thought to myself as I shut my eyes preparing myself to get hit and Hinata cried. "Father Noooo!!!"

I was waiting for the blow but it did not happened. I slowly opened my eyes just to see a fist right infront of my eyes - Hinata was already at her father's side holding his arms back.

It seems that all of my blood rushed out of my body, not a single nerve wanted to respond.

"Father please, he got nothing to do with this... He just wanted to help me. He- he, he is really not my bo-boyfriend... I'm sorry father!!!" Hinata cried.

"I am already aware of that fact" her father replied coldly.


"Ehhh... Ha.. How.. I mean" I blurted out but the moment her father's gaze turn to me I hold my mouth. What? He knew? But I just came up with that idea a few minutes ago.


" Listen... ... Hinata I got a plan"

"Plan?, wha-what plan Naruto kun" Hinata's expression suddenly changed.

" Just leave it to me and play along" I smirked.

"O- okay... Naruto kun"

And we heard a voice... Toneri.


" Wha-What do you mean father?" Hinata was as shocked as me maybe even more, her lovely eyes grew big.

Her father glanced at me for a sec, his face firm - I gulped, it brought shivers right down through my spines.

He stared back at Hinata, "Because I trust your word my daughter... and - I always have you monitored."

"Monitored? But you... Father?" Hinata can't believe what she was hearing. Hinata was being monitored? But Kiba told me that ... ... Geez I'm lost. I told myself.

"When you decided to stay here and live alone and do not wish to go with me I told you out of anger that I will leave you with no guards and any form of securities to frighten you, yet you still go on... Hinata, *he placed both of his hands to Hinata's face* I am still your father and I can't let anything happen to my daughters." he explained. "I ask for your forgiveness my daughter" .

"Oh father!" Hinata cried as she embraced her old man.

"Why did you not tell me that you do not wish to be engage with the Otsutsuki heir?" he asked.

" Because its my destiny as the Hyuuga heir... And this is wha-what yo-you want fa-father." She mumbled.

"Yes indeed it is, but..."he paused. "but we are the mighty Hyuuga, nothing is impossible... and you proved that together with this Uzumaki boy!" he turned around to me.

"Eeehh?!" He knew me? what the?! Is he some kind of a mind reader?.

"You- you know me sir?" I asked pointing a finger to myself.

"I believe I do not need to explain myself but I want to extend my gratitude for protecting my daughter." still his face was firm yet his eyes were a bit calmer.

"Tha-that was nothing sir, she's my friend and I just wanted to help her." I scratched my face with my left index finger. Very unformal of me.

"Uzumaki, I wish to have a personal word with my daughter. I'll let you talk to her as soon as we are done."

"N-no sweat sir" and he turned around and proceed the door. But before he exit he looked at Hinata. "Follow me into my office" and then he went off.

Hinata looked at me, she slowly walked towards me.
"Thank you for everything Naruto kun" she said as she tip-toed and flung her arms around my neck and placed a soft kiss at my cheek and immediately ran to the door.

I was left stunned, the time just stopped right before my eyes, my face is burning non-stop. "What just happened?" I said as I hold the part of my cheek where her soft lips touched. I feel like I am in heaven.

"What is the matter with you?"It was Shino "Why are you drooling like an idiot? " he added.

I was pulled out of my trance. " Give me a break Shino... Eh? What are you doing here? "

"Kiba told me to fetch you if everything is okay"  he looked around. "and I think it is" he looked at me blankly.


"THIS ENGAGEMENT IS OFF!!!" I heard Hinata's father's voice as I hid myself in a spot outside the house just under Hinata's room incase Naruto stupidly decide to ran off with Hinata, the first thing that I also had in mind if Naruto did not make it on time.

" Yosh!!! He did it... I wonder what that dork have done?" I smiled, still can't believe that Shikamaru was right all along by telling him to seek for Naruto's help.

" He really surprised me, you got a lot on your sleeves Naruto."

I was busy talking to myself when a tap on my shoulder made me jump like a fish out of water.

"You better stop drinking coffee Kiba"
The culprit said.

"Stop scaring the hell out of me Shino!!!!" I supressed my yell coz somebody might noticed us.

Someone show up behind Shino, it was the blonde, the hero of the night.

"Kibaaa!!! ., I made it!!!" he ran towards me and tackle me into a bro hug. "She's not engage anymore!!! Ha!ha!ha!" he continued laughing.

"Geez man!!! Stop that its disgusting!!!" I tried to let go. He is too happy alright I can see it right into his face, I guess I really need to let this feelings go.

My feelings for my bestfriend... Hinata...

Gomen!!!  Sorry for the short chapter! Promise to make it up to you next time!!!

Thanks!!! Til the next chap!

Homeless Heart ( a naruhina fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang