Chapter 9 - Good Morning

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" Good Morning"

I opened the small envelope, this is the third time I received a mail from him, still asking for the same thing but I am always quiet with my answer. Inside was a small piece of folded expensive paper, I first hesitated to unfold the piece of parchment but I go on anyway. As expected the content was still the same with the former mails. I sighed and returned the paper back to its envelope, and again took a glance at the printed name.

What are you going to do Hyuuga Princess?... I sarcastically asked my distressed self.


I was alarmed at the sound of my name; I turned around and saw that it was just Naruto talking in his sleep. I slowly walked towards him and examined his face... so peaceful... I am really not that shy and timid but to him, it's a different story. I don't know how long did I gaze and admire his lovely face - This is not right Hinata, you should stay away from him right? A small voice keeps on shouting at the back of my head but this time, just for this moment I dismissed that voice. I may not get the chance to see him like this again and the thought instantly pinched me in the heart.

I looked at the small alarm clock at my bedside table, Its almost midnight - funny but I felt a bit sleepy again, though I just woke up from my emergency coma.

But a boy is in my room...

Well, he is asleep, it's not that bad...

But it's not proper... ...

You' ve been sleeping in the same room for a couple of hours now so what's the deal then?... ...

But... ...

Again a battle of my brain cells, they've been against each other lately.

Actually we do have a number of rooms that I can use right now but I still want to stay here at my room, even though it's a bit improper knowing Naruto kun is also here... but the thing is - I just can't - I can't manage to be alone right now... I'm afraid...

Decided, I climbed to my bed again- slowly taking my time so I won't wake Naruto up.

I glanced at him before turning around and face the opposite side of the bed - closed my eyes and sleep.

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

The smell of lavender and fresh sunflowers were taking me away from dreamland saying that its time for me to open my eyes. But I feel so tired and I still want to keep my eyes closed... Five more minutes I said to myself. But I felt something warm brushing the tips of my nose, I tried to move - I groan as I felt a pinch of pain on my lower back... Then I realized that I am still sitting in a chair and only half of my body was lying on this soft lavender smelled fabric.

I slowly opened my eyes, but as my vision became clear I just couldn't believe what awaits me.

With just a small distance from me is a beauty, sleeping peacefully as the sun's morning rays glisten her pale skin. A few midnight blue strands adorned her face; her perfectly shaped nose complements her pink partly opened lips. I stopped and linger at the sight of her sexy lips...

Suddenly I just found my face inches away from this beauty, my lips almost brushing hers.

My eyes grew big as I realized what I am about to do. I immediately pushed myself away almost knocking myself off the chair.



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