Chapter 20 - Are you Jealous?

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"She is just tired and a bit dehydrated, just give her a good rest and she'll be as good as new" an authoritative yet mild female voice said.

"Thank you doctor" another female voice, much younger and a bit squeaky.

"Okay then, just tell your friend that everything is gonna be alright, no need to worry. I'll send a nurse to check her IV drops every now and then, and I'll visit her again tomorrow morning.."

"Yes doctor, Thanks"

Who are they? .. Are the talking about me? ... I tried to open my eyes but I can't they are too heavy ... and I felt sleepy again.


Cinnamon rolls ... I smell freshly baked cinnamon rolls.. delicious..

I tried to open my eyes and yes! finally my eyelids respond, hazy at first yet getting better as I blink a couple of times.

When my vision came back to normal I looked blankly at the ceiling, Where am I? Its not my room and not even close to my hotel room. The ceiling was pure luxury every intricate details were hand painted.

I tried to get up to further my observation but as I pull myself to sit a sudden pain strike my head. Ow.. ow... ow..It hurts!

I slumped back at the bed .. I let my eyes do the checking, I looked from my left and to my right... I don't know this place... I looked at the big glass window door leading to a balcony, the sun is already glistening to the the tall buildings of the city .. Oh! Its already morning.

I closed my eyes trying to remember everything before my vision went dark. I was in the park and then he came.... Oh my! before I could think of anything more. I heard the door opened followed by footsteps, from the sounds of it I bet there might be two them. I closed my eyes to pretend away.

"How is she?" I know that voice... I wanted to open my eyes right there and then but I stopped myself.

"She's still asleep, last night the doctor said she just need a good rest..." it's the same female voice I heard before.

"I see, did the doctor already visit her this morning?"

"Nope... but don't worry she'll be here any moment now" her voice sweet.

"Wait I'll just go out ... I need to make a call" I heard the door closed again.

I felt a sudden tingling in my nose, and it became itchy... Oh my I want to scratch it! ... I can't hold it anymore.

"HAAAACHUUUU!!!!" I sneezed as my head start to hurt like hell again. "OOWWWW" I cried.

I opened my eyes... a pair of grayish-purple set of orbs meet mine, her light blond hair flowing perfectly down her shoulder. I-its h-her!! What is she doing here?.


"Oh! You're awake" she looked at me in awe. "He'll be very happy, you see he has been thinking of you ever since the two of them bring you here last night"

I just looked at her questioning; gladly she took it as a hint that I am clueless of everything she is saying.

"Oh yeah.. I'm sorry you don't know me ... I'm Shion" she smiled.

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