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[[ VERA. ]]

"I'm getting this surge of deja vu right now." I said, adjusting my ear piece as I stood across the street with Ace. We overlooked the tall glass structured building that had hung a flagpole that hung the company's logo; it was an upside down, and yellow smiley face.

Ace fiddled with the magnet camera on his blazer.

"Same here. You look beautiful by the way." Max replied over the earpiece.

I glanced over at the camera on Ace's blazer, smiling into it a bit as I felt my cheeks heat when I looked away knowing he had been gazing at me. As Harry decided last minute as we regrouped in the mystery machine, also known as Max's tech van of all the other devices locked away as we had travelled from place to place since the getaway. As far as the mystery machine's been, it had possibly been shipped everywhere where we had needed it, though it remained stowed away at Max and I's villa in San Francisco when he hadn't needed it to get work done. And why had it been called the mystery machine? Usually if Carmen, or anybody else would ask as to why it was named the mystery machine, both of us would say it's because of this green and blue tie dyed swirl at the back of the van that somewhat resonated to the Scooby Doo van. I wore orange one day and, well you know how the story goes on a wild night, it had been the second evening sitting in that van with him when we were passing a joint and as it goes, so forth. Him and I would always spare the grope-y details as we discussed the history of the mystery machine with others, though we came to the same response as it was that it had been called the mystery machine for a reason. And it would totally besmudge the mystery if we had went any further about it. That memory of a familiar touch felt quite close though, as I thought deeper about it, though I'm snapped out of my thought when Ace elbows me in the arm.

"Yeah? What?" I shook my head, glancing at him.

"We've got a ladder to climb. So I'm going to need you on planet earth here." Ace rose an eyebrow at me. I shrugged.

"Yeah. Present. Dummy." I scoffed, slightly bummed I had been interrupted from daydreaming about that night.

"Be careful." Max said. "Please."

"Talk me through it alright?" I said, pushing up my glasses up as I ran a hand over my sleeked bun. I swayed my hips, touching up my cherry red lip gloss with my pinky.

"I've got you." He reassured.

As I looked around precautiously, I turned back towards Ace, as he fiddled with putting his headphones on as we waited by the long green metal ladder aligned along the building's white walls.

"Um, what do you think you're doing?" I pried to ask him.

"Listening to AC/DC, and?"

"Cool. I wasn't asking what you were listening to, I was asking you what do you think you're doing?"

"Vera." He forewarningly said in a tone of unamusement. I'm completely aware we're no longer in the national bank anymore, but I'd prefer you to not breathe down my neck while I'm trying to climb this ladder up like twenty stories fucking high, here."

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