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[[ CARMEN. ]]

[[ NOW ]]

"So you're finally getting your ass out of here," Clementine told me as I waited far from the mystery machine.

"Yeah, I guess so." I shrugged my shoulder with my pack slung on it. "And is the harvest in the garden going to do fine without me?"

"I suppose so."

"You've got to water the plants daily, Clem." I exhaled, gazing into her light blue eyes.

"I'm aware." She replied curtly in her defense.

"I've seen some dead roses in some of the plots. You know anything of those?"

"Carmen, we've got to go," Max called, he had leaned an elbow on the handle of one of the doors.

"Rose seeds. It should've come with the shipment from a few days ago." I rambled on before Clementine did the unexpected. She leaned in, planting her lips on mine, as she had cupped my face with eyes closed. I was taken aback by a sliver of ticking time, though I kissed her back anyway.

"Some of those flowers just die to live anyway." She said after pulling away.

I smiled, and without another word, I stumbled backward with the hesitance of leaving her. I rose my hand to send a short wave to her before I turned around and got into the mystery machine.

"Bye Clem," Vera said from the passenger seat.

"Take care, and stay safe alright?" Ace chimed in as he called out of the rolled-down window.

"Thank you," Harry said gently.

"What is so important you have to play the hero card on me again?"

"Well. It's presumptuous of you to say I was the hero." His wit, quite whimsical like a sonnet.

"You're welcome." Clementine mused with a shrug to her frail shoulders.

The smile grew on my face fondly. "You're with the movement after all."

"When it suits me." Clementine chuckled. "Where's my chain?"

Ace laughed, and soon enough we were all laughing at her humorous inquiry.

"Farewell, Clementine." Max said at the driver's seat, Clem waving him off before the mystery machine slightly sputtered at the engine once we drove off.

I quickly turn around in my seat, looking at Clementine in the distance, her gaze iridescent with a trace of my kiss beaming.

"Was I completely clueless?" Ace asked, as I glanced at him.

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