□ Chapter 5

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The familiar night sky visible from her room made her snuggle more into bed, the covers were warm, and the room temperature was the same as yesterday - cold, the only change was the scent

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The familiar night sky visible from her room made her snuggle more into bed, the covers were warm, and the room temperature was the same as yesterday - cold, the only change was the scent. The bed smelt with an unknown smell, a scent which was almost there but significant enough for her to frown.

Unlike normal days, she felt uncomfortable in the clothes, she couldn't remember changing into her ever-comfy pair. She sighed and stretched into the air, feeling stiff.
It was most probably past midnight but she couldn't close her eyes anymore.

She sat slowly and glanced at the familiar room, the only change was that the left corner was empty. She remember not tidying her room and leaving the suitcase there, but now the corner was empty.

Sleepy eyes widened, quickly searching around when an unknown bag caught her attention, clothes which were not hers, well they didn't seem as if they belonged to a girl even. Washed jeans and t-shirts shoved messily.

She shook her head to physically kick the sleepiness out, only for her to get the next shock.

Another occupant on her bed, naked shock registered on her face resulting in her slipping out of bed in hurry only to land with a thud, the vibration of the fall had her bum aching and almost numb in pain.

The cry which left her lips was mixed with pain, shock, and fear.

She slapped herself to wake her mind from a sleep coma, rubbing her cheek when the events came back to her.

The flash mob

That prude pulling her into an alleyway

His eyes glared at her while she cursed him

Next...Next what happened?

A sting on her neck was the last thing she remembers, rubbing the same spot now she tried to remember what happened.

"You are up, finally!" The voice said rolling in the covers, amber eyes half-open as he took her pillow and flipped it. "Better"

"What....the hell is this? What are you doing here?" She yelled still sitting on the floor.

"This is my room for FYI, the door is there get up and leave" He ordered like he was a god from heaven to grace the earth.

"You get out" She shot back, kneeling at the side of the bed and throwing the pillow on his face.

Cold glares met her fierce ones.

"You made me unconscious and brought me here, you kidnaper" she screamed, placing her palms on the bed and getting up. Fingers yearning to hold anything to hit him.

"Can you leave? I'm trying to sleep here." He gritted and returned the favor by hitting her square on the face with the same pillow.

"How dare you?" She tossed it back but he diverted it away from him.
"What did you inject me with? How did you make me lose consciousness tell me!"

"Why will I waste my money on you? I simply pressed your neck nerve to shut you up." He deadpanned

She stopped and gaped at him "My...neck?" she touched the point she had felt the sting.

"Will you get out of here?" He asked impatiently.

"Huh....What the fuck? You stroke my nerve and knocked me? How can you?" she lunged at him only for him to expertly block her hands and flip her onto the bed in seconds.

His knees between her legs and his hands holding her palms. She tried to him using her forehead only for him to dodge.

"What have I done to you and who the hell are you?" She screamed, wiggling in his hold.

"Stay" He commanded and she froze, his voice was demanding and ruthless. "Good girl, Listen to me now and listen well. I saved you from the police, you participated in that crazy flash mob so they would have arrested you, and trust me you couldn't have got bail so easily here in a foreign country. Be grateful that I saved you and leave. Go to your place, sleep and never show me your face again."

He moved back leaving her sprawled on her bed.

"Get up and leave, what are you waiting for? A written invite?" He asked with a raised brow.

"As if you saved the world saving me" She glared at him gritting, palms fisting as she calmed the urge to kick him.

"Where are my things?" She silently asked, though her eyes spoke a different tale.

"There," He pointed towards the single chair which had her bag and camera.

She grumbled under her breath and picked them up, no word passed her as she moved towards the door.

"Goodbye Prince-ass" She spat.

Closing the door she scowled hearing his amused laughter from outside.

"Dumb man, dumb doors, dump place, and dump world" She whined before looking at the hallway. She stumbled on her steps, almost dropping her camera.

She gaped, blinked, and shook her head to make sure she wasn't imagining. She was almost ready to barge in and ask him what she had just realized.

It could be the reality or his making her conscious has something to do with it.

She stared at the hallway, the wooden tiled floor, the window at the other end of the hallway, the ceiling, and then the next door.

Her eyes were saucers, taking a double-take at his room number and then hers. Slapping herself a little she realized she was in her senses and not imagining.

"Seriously?" She snickered, shocked eyes turning mirthful "This. Is. wonderful."

She would have squealed and jumped at two thoughts, first, she didn't have to roam the streets past midnight, and second, it was the series of revenge her subconscious self had started planning against the man for doing everything to her if only it was not dark and quiet. She didn't have the heart to be tagged as a ghost.

She sighed in relief walking towards her door and leaning against it, eyes fixed on his. Lips pouting as if in deep thinking "Well, you Mr. Prince-ass" she pointed dramatically at his door, tilting her head to the side and smirked "You are so going to love the things I plan to do to get back at you you'll regret messing with Vandita Nair. So going to regret it."

With a final flip of the hair, a daring glare and she dashed inside the place which was her home for the coming week.

The next day, Vandita started late, a long nap after her eventful night and midnight realization of that man being her neighbor.

She surfed through her suitcase pulling anything and everything to try and laze around the city. She heard some people talking about the beach an hour away drive from the town. She wanted to explore the place but at the same time get back to this ass for making her unconscious.

With a simple flowy top and shorts, she pulled her hair in a bun, almost undone because of her small hair length. She wore her simple flip-flops and picked her same sling and her buddy camera to leave. Locking the door on her way out, she pocketed the key and jumped down the stairs only to come to a stop seeing him standing at the reception, he and Remy seemed to be in a healthy discussion.

Her eyes narrowed in glares as she stomped forward, almost wishing for Remy to notice and stop so that she could have some words thrown at him. She had almost passed them when the man called her name and she calmed the urge to squeal in delight.

"Hey, girl! What's up?" Remy asked with his ever-so-charming grin.
"Good morning Remy" She turned towards him with a polite smile, eyes shooting daggers at her newly found nemesis. "Oh didn't know you'll be here too, Prince-ass"

The man rolled his eyes, ignoring her whole existence.

"Count me in Man. See ya!" He said towards Remy and left as soon Remy acknowledged his words.

She looked behind at him deathly stare, snapping when a hand cut her vision.

"What's up with you two?" Remy asked in amusement.

Vandita rolled her eyes, shrugging as if she was the most clueless human on earth.

Remy raised his brow incredulously, amusement coursing his views as a sudden image appeared. The light bulb switched on. "What are you doing today?"

"Me?" Vandita asked herself, shaking her head in nothing "I will roam around I guess"

"Awesome! You are coming with us to Nice. A beach day for us" Remy announced.

"Deal on!" Vandita grinned nodding, soon she raised a brow "Just a quick question, Who Us?"

"Us" Remy smirked cockily "Why not keep it a surprise?"

"Tell me" She narrowed her eyes and took a good look for him to give up but she liked the thrill of a drive with some strangers and some not-so-strangers. "You know what? Don't tell me. I feel I'm going to love this trip just without much detail."

He shook his head in mirth "You are the only piece in the world, aren't you?"

"Any doubts" she flipped her hair and chuckled at her actions.

Vandita had come down for a late brunch but Remy pulled her towards the gate and then to the café where Sophia was waiting for them. She waved her hands grinning at them.
Remy kissed her and she pushed him away blushing before greeting her.

Vandita felt a pang but she brushed it away and placed a quick order for something to calm her rumbling stomach.

The girl with straight hair pulled in a pony placed her order and collect the bill, she didn't look up at her name tag and just smiled in gratitude.

The first bite of a fresh croissant made her close her eyes in contentment, a sigh left her as she felt herself enjoying the taste and forgetting the surrounding. She blinked seeing the plate of food and the empty chair in front of her, the sudden thought of him crossed her brain and she could feel her appetite fading. Cursing herself to think about him.

"Kya yaar V? stop thinking about him. He is a bastard. Why do you have to keep thinking about that vile, idiot man? Stop it he is not worth it. He is done. Chapter closed book burned and flushed. Can you just focus on yourself and enjoy everything? Have fun, go places, eat whatever you want, dress what you wish to and just live. Let him go to hell. Just kick him out of your brain like he kicked your emotions. That asshole Barun Sahay can go to hell for all you care. Are you getting it right? Just stop thinking." She murmured to herself placing her head in her palms, food long forgotten so as her hunger.

"Hey, girl! You okay?" Sophie touched her shoulder and she snapped to look at her.

Pulling herself to freeze any unwanted emotions on her face and just smile, she faked it for two seconds until her lips broke into a real one and she nodded in answer.

"Yes, Yes fine just a little sleepy, and my eyes hurt." It was her making an excuse, anything to just not anyone know that she had her heart broken brutally by a man she thought she loved.

"You sure?" Sophie asked in a concerned voice, touching her hand and squeezing her.

Vandita almost lost her power and the façade was ready to fall but a voice made her emotions snap.

"What is she doing here?"

Vandita rolled her eyes and looked up to find the annoying face of the man she swore to revenge.

The cold amber eyes made her pity the beautiful eyes that went to this brute.

"You gotta problem princess?" She glared at him back.

"Cut it you two. What has happened?" Sophie asked.



The two said together while averting their gaze away and ignoring each other's existence, She got back to her food and he went to the bar.

"Wierd" Remy commented and focused on Sophie who came to him.
Vandita stole glances at the couple and made her heart happy for them rather than thinking back to the betrayal.

"Stop staring at them." A voice said and looked at him sitting on an adjacent table, the seat opposite hers. The two sit opposite each other but at different tables.

"Why? Want me to look at your ugly face?" She jabbed and he glared at her. "Stop glaring as if I stole your kidneys."

"You are annoying." He sulked.

"As if I invited you to chastise my actions" She rolled her eyes.

"Huh! God forgive me for helping her thankless soul." He murmured loud enough for her to hear.

She gaped accusing "You made me unconscious using your god knows what ninja techniques."

"I did that to save you, lady." He reasoned.

"You could have just said that to me yesterday in that alley, what was the need to pull that stunt? You almost kidnapped me." Steeping her finger at him she gritted, ready to stand and choke him.

"You are impossible." He said in disbelief.

"And you are a brute," She said almost instantly.

"What have I got myself into?" he whined.

"Blah," She poked her tongue out at him.

"Will you shut up?" He stared at her and she scoffed.


He groaned and she grinned.

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