□ Chapter 47

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Ever slowly, her eyelashes parted and freed her coffee irises to meet the source of continuous yelling. Her name was being chanted, more like screeching for a while to gain the attention or break her through the daze.

Her place was chaos, though not more than hers, yet it seemed to be a victim of the tornado that brought it to disruption.

Sakshi stood at the other end of her hall, hands on her waist as she glared at Vandita for her lack of focus. She wished to slam her head into the nearby wall. Vandita blinked softly, yearning for her to speak and showing her attention toward her. She watched Sakshi stare at her with a knowing glint that made her look away.

Sakshi shook her head, her shoulders dropped and she exhaled through her lips. "Where were you lost?"

The question sounded rhetorical to her ears.

Who else had kept her occupied these days if not a particular caramel-eyes royal?

"Nowhere." She repeated the answer to Sakshi and assured herself, she was lost nowhere.

He was nowhere and no one to her.

Sakshi pursed her lips throwing an accusatory glance her way but kept her words at bay, throwing the bundle of electric diya towards her, ordering her way around. "Arrange them with the rangoli."

"Yes, boss." She murmured, mocking a salute. She stood up from her place on the floor where she sat packing the return gifts and walked towards the entrance where Yusra and another girl, she didn't bother to learn their name sat working their way with the chalk and colors.

The splash of colors blinded her, steps faltering and the grip on the packet going loose. She immediately held support from the cabinet, letting her weight fall on it as the ceramic vase exploded into thousand pieces.

"Mr. Painter?" She asked with a mischief lade voice. 

"What do you need, Noor?" He sighed stopping his task and kept the brush down. 

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