□ Chapter 39

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With his powerful strides, rim rod back, and hawk eyes aware at all times of danger, King Indrajeet Dhanrajgir walked inside the hotel gates. The faces turning towards them froze, wide eyes blinking to make sure they were seeing it all right.

The crowd parted as the bodyguards made passage for him, the staff on tips for fulfilling his unsaid demands and leaving a long-lasting impression on the man who held the most power in the state and a significant enough in the country.

His old coffee eyes held no softness, they were thunderous, prude, dominating yet gloomy.

"His is suite number 507." His trusted bodyguard whispered in his ears, earning a nod and they made their way toward the elevator. The gold metal box chimed and moved up, taking the man with him toward the floor.

The corridor was empty with no onlookers, all the more reason for Inderjeet's propaganda to come to a success.

His bodyguard knocked on his behalf, the double doors of the presidential suite opening with a raised brow.

"You are not here for room service," The amusement was clear as daylight "Or have you started another side job, Your Highness?"

Indrajeet glared at him with a challenging eye, daring him to insult more. The man on the other side smirked satisfactorily.

"Now that you are here unannounced, you may come in." He side-stepped. The bodyguard took a step inside when he was stopped. "Not you, he comes alone. I don't bite."


Any protest from his men died immediately as the two men who looked no less than each other entered the room and the doors closed behind them.

Settling on the double-seater sofas, they glared at each other, wanting one to give up and start.

What felt like hours after, Indrajeet Dhanrajgir gave up sighing. This was his need, he had to settle.

"This is history." He commented, getting up and walking towards the bar "Do your old bones allow you some whiskey or I will keep drinking alone like all those years back?"

"You never drank alone, Chauhan." He rolled his eyes and leaned back, stretching like a snake and indicating his bulk posture which did not wither with time but had only refined like a fine wine.

"True. You were a good friend but a better enemy." He remarked snarkily and forwarded a glass towards him. "You not only watched my shadow but have bruised my soul too."

"It wasn't just me, you were equally involved in ruining their lives." Indrajeet reminded him, sharp eyes daring him to oppose.

"I lost my daughter." Ajith Chauhan snapped.

"And, I lost my son." He stated in equal fervor. "Our enmity had cost us equally."

"Not equally, your son is alive but my daughter? She is dead." Ajeeth clenched his jaw, his old grey eyes were slits in anger. "I lost my daughter in your vicious game of power. You wanted a throne, money, status, and an alliance for your son that would only strengthen you. You, you, and you. Selfish bastard."

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