□ Chapter 41

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"Once upon a time, there was a young princess who was adored by her family. They loved her, cared for her, and made sure she never cried. She was her father's heart who was the King and he did everything she wanted. He gave her everything she asked for..."

"Was she...spoil...spoilt?" Clutching onto the soft toy, she interrupted her father who glanced her way with a frown on being cut off but shook his head smiling seeing her glassy brown eyes. "But..."

"Being loved is not being spoilt, my little love." He explained. "Her parents loved her as we love you. Does it mean you are spoilt?"

Vandita denied it immediately.

"See." He piped and started again. "Her family adored her. One day, she was upset about being alone in her palace. Her friends left for a vacation and she was left behind."

"Why did she not go?" Vandita was over-curious for her age and Vidur sighed, glancing her way.

"I will not complete this if you keep asking questions." He stated with finality. "Now, shall I start?"

He bit a grin watching her scowl, the six-year looked adorable with a glare.

"...The king saw her sitting in the garden alone and he felt bad seeing his daughter sad. So, he asked his minister to bring him a golden ball. He brought it to the princess and gave her to play with. She smiled widely seeing it and started playing alone. She threw the ball up and caught it. Repeating it several times she giggled running as she shot the ball into the sky again and it went higher than before. She was running to catch it when the ball dropped on the ground and rolled towards the pond, drowning."

He glanced at his daughter who watched him with wide eyes, horror clear as she clutched onto her favorite soft toy harder. He gave it to her when she was two and from then, it was her best friend.

"Papa, read" She urged and he shot her a playful glare before continuing.

"The princess tried searching for her ball but it was inside the pond and she didn't how to swim..."

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