Chapter Thirteen: hearts burst into fire

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Ardent Acquisition

Chapter Thirteen: hearts burst into fire


Please don't be angry with me. You have to understand that this is something I have to do. God, please don't be angry.


The note laid atop my pillow, where I knew he'd be the one to find it. It felt awful, leaving him like that. I felt awful for leaving Naruto as Sasuke had done me. With something so, so inconsequential as a note. So impersonal. But I knew there could not have been another way with Naruto; perhaps the same reason why Sasuke had not told me in person as well: because there was no reasoning against this. Sasuke still would have left whether I begged him not to or otherwise. I would still be leaving regardless of Naruto's pleas. I've saved Naruto some pain, perhaps.

Sasuke saved time.

It was cool that night, cool enough to raise goosebumps on my flesh and pray that it did not get any colder, for I had not thought to pack something as sensible as a sweater. The moon was at its peak and the dark silhouettes of the trees were greatly exaggerated against the forest floor. An ominous setting that made this trip seem all the more perilous.

But it wasn't, was it? There was the fear in my heart that Sasuke did, truly, not want to come back for other reasons than his brother. Reasons that concluded our relationship. This was me not wanting to let go even when I should.

"You followed me," his voice came from behind me. I was not surprised.

This is what I had been counting on.

"You left me." It was not an accusation. "Again." That was, however.

I could pinpoint exactly where he was, so easily able to pick out his chakra signature. He was going to no great lengths to conceal it and I suspected her expected no great threat from me. Was here to persuade a heart broken girl to go back home and stop pinning over her childhood love. Would ask me to stop begging him to go home; it's futile.

That, however, was not the reason I was here.

"You're here to argue on the fact that I no longer wish to continue relations with you?" His voice was flat, but I could tell he was merely trying to get a reaction out of me. Sasuke was mocking me. As if I was in denial over our break up.

I was. But, again, that was not why I was here.

"On the principle that you've always been a cold-hearted bastard, I'm not bothered in the slightest by your sudden disappearance. You've always been very, very good at leaving me."

"You know it wasn't like that, Hitomi." It was always easiest for me to get under his skin.

He was near me. So near I could hear his breathing pattern, see the tiny wisps of hair that refused to conform to the rest which gathered along his forehead. His lips almost looked bruised.

"Wasn't it though, Sasuke?" The moonlight made his skin look even paler. "Tell me: did I ever even matter to you?"

He scoffed. "You have to ask?"

My fingers traced the kunai that was strapped to my leg. His eyes did not miss it. "So that's why you're here."

"I'm sorry," I said. But did not mean. "I'm sorry." The kunai was to his neck before he could make a move against me. And his hand was wrapped around my throat.

"You don't seem sorry."

I tried my best to press forward but he grasped around my neck harder, lifting me up and slamming me against the nearest tree. The bark bit into my back and still did my best to wound him in any way I could. There was only a nick left on his throat before he squeezed hard enough to make me drop it. "Sas...uke," I choked, tears brimming my eyes. Not from the fear of the pain, however. His unforgiving eyes were the last thing I saw before I blacked out.


Hi sorry im super inactive have this v short and shitty chapter sorry

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