Chapter Three: You & Me

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Ardent Acquisition 

Chapter Three: You & Me

Three ours later, and we were back where we’ve always been; under the stars. Minus Kasumi, of course. 

She was off, doing Kami knows what. Probably setting fires, again. She has a knack for that. Things….people- all the more better, in her eyes. 

I used Naruto’s chest as a form of pillow, his arm placidly wrapped around my shoulders. I’ve missed him; this. But, being here, again…it comes with a sort of longing. And, for a moment, I forget of Sasuke’s betrayal: in hopes that he’ll come swoop me into his arms. Much like Naruto did.

For once, I let the silence engulf me- for once, I revel in the simplicity of that. Because, the silence is beautiful, accompanied by Naruto’s gently beating  heart. It keeps me grounded. And, for once, the quiet doesn’t bring along all the bad things that have been burdening me for the past three years. 

That was, until the blonde spoke up. 

His voice croaked, “We saw Sasuke.”

And, just like that, the night isn’t so peaceful, anymore. The brisk air in no longer comfortable, pricking my skin as the hair on my forearms rise. My tongue feels leaden. 

Words seemed lost as my brain tries to process what this means. They saw him. 

Slowly, I sit up. 

“Is he okay?” Before I can stop myself, it jumps from between my teeth. He left us. I shouldn’t worry about his wellbeing. But, I do. And, that only makes me angrier at him. 

Because I still care. 

Carefully, Naruto’s eyes study me. He looks as if he’s fighting for the right thing to say. So, he doesn’t offend me. Or, rationally speaking, worry me. But, I knew I could trust him to tell me the truth. He may not like to upset me, but Naruto wouldn’t lie to me. He never has before. 

“He’s…healthy. Same old Sasuke. Stubborn.”

And, for now, that’s enough. He was obviously still with Orochimaru. And, resisting any good that may have been offered. Otherwise, he’d be here, now. 

But, that would be a bit disappointing, wouldn’t it?

I didn’t spend the last three years of my life training my ass off for nothing. My mouth curled up at the corner, surprising Naruto a bit. 

“We’ll bring him home. You and me.” He smiled at me, wrapping his hand around mine. 

“You and me, Hito-chan.”

~        ~         ~

Silently, I roll out of bed, careful not to wake Naruto. It’s a bit early, but I still had some things to take care of. Naruto had insisted I had stayed the night with him. 

For old time’s sake. 

And, as I head out the door, I cant help but think of the time in The Forest of Death, when the rascal had kissed me. And, I feel funny. Like I’m dizzy. 

And, before I can stop myself, I wonder what it would have been like if I had chosen Naruto, instead of Sasuke.

But, there’s no time to dwell on things as a pair of arms wrap around me, squeezing me to a chest. “Where’d you get off to last night, little siren?”


“That wouldn’t be Naruto’s place you’re sneaking out of, is it?”

“Mind out of the gutter, Kas. We’re just friends.”

“Friends…with benefits?” The suggestive tone in her voice makes me feel almost sick. Because, Naruto is like my brother. And, I realize I could have never chosen him. Not just because of how invested I am- was- with Sasuke, but because of just that. 

Naruto is my family. And, nothing could ever change that.

“He’s the only thing I’ve got left,” I say, completely disregarding our blood relations. Because, to me, family isn’t defined by one’s blood. To me, it’s about who has been there when it’s mattered most. Seen me at my worst, but still there to laugh with me at my best. 

Kasumi sighed, dropping her hold on me. “I guess this means you’re not even going to accept me then, huh?” Her voice is small, and I almost feel bad.

“I…I don’t know.”

And, before anything more is said between us, I’m tackled to the ground, blue hair obscuring my vision- a few shades lighter than Kasumi’s natural color. 

“You idiot!” She yells, hitting my shoulder. And, before I can retaliate, her arms are around me in a chokehold. And, if I didn’t know Michiko, I’d say she’d actually be trying to kill instead of hugging me. She’s like that, you see. 

Kasumi chuckles above us. “Looks like those three years you’ve spent training have all been in vain if you cant even ward off little girls.”

“Shut up, Kas.”



Ok now that THAT is out of my system. Ugh. Why do I do this to myself. Ishiphitomiandnarutosoharddonthatemebutughtheyrelikeperf . 

Hitomi: we family

Me: cries

Jess: idek they can be family in the married way



Me: yes

Me: perfect


picture on the side is the first i've done of Michiko~ I have a cuter one that i plan on uploading but oops one picture a chapter.

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