Chapter Eleven: The Mighty Fall

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Ardent Acquisition

Chapter Eleven: The Mighty Fall

By the next time I saw Sasuke, it was too soon. 

It had maybe been a month since our last encounter—and, with each pill I took it was like counting down the days until there was a possibility of seeing him again. However slim that possibility may have been. And when my supply did finally dwindle down to one, I couldn’t help but to feel nervous. 

I wasn’t positive it would be him, this time. It could have just as easily have been one of Orochimaru’s undoubtedly ruthless, but nonetheless dedicated, followers. And when I had finally been able to force the little white capsule down my throat, I found that neither choice was very ideal. 

Meeting up with another of Orochimaru’s was as familiar as it was unnerving. There were too many possibilities on who it could be. And although they were more than likely orders not to harm me, there was always the chance that they’d disobey. There was also always a chance that Orochimaru would be collecting on his debt. Soon. 

I shivered, thoughts of the legendary sanin’s tongue drifting back to me. I couldn’t live like that. Not with Orochimaru. Not like that. Not with what Anko had described to me. 

Where Orochimaru’s servants where definitely unnerving, the thought of seeing Sasuke again left little to desire. He was different, now. Different from then. And although it would be expected, something I had expected, I don’t think I ever really counted on it. 

His fathomless black eyes were, if possible, darker. 

But there was no denying that I still wanted him. I craved for him. In such a sickening way that I was sure if Sasuke said just the right words, I would leave with him in a heartbeat. 

I wanted to believer that I could resist him. That there would be some hesitation, at the very least. 

All I could do was hope to be strong enough. 

Sasuke was my weakness. And for all I was worth, I hated myself for it. 

“I see you’ve moved back into your apartment, then.” His voice came from behind me. And although I was surprised, I would be lying if I said I didn’t anticipate this. I had hoped that maybe I wouldn’t show up and he wouldn’t bother. I had hoped to take my chances without the pills and allow the curse to consume me. That agony would be better to deal with rather than what I’ve turned into. Who I’ve let myself become. 

“Sasuke,” I wryly smiled. “It’s dangerous for you to be here, don’t you think?”

“Concerned about my wellbeing?” He cocked an eyebrow. At least one thing hadn’t changed: he was still arrogant. 

“Not particularly,” I shrugged. “It’d just look bad for me. Socializing with a criminal and whatnot.”

His flat stare seemed to grow blank. “You don’t really think of me that way.” I don’t I don’t I don’t. 

“I see you as you are, Sasuke.” My voice was flat. My expression guarded. My fingers twitched closer to my leg, where I had a hidden kunai strapped. I had prepared myself, this time. 

Uchiha eyes, however, missed nothing. “Just here to drop off the medication, Hitomi.” He held the bottle between his forefinger and thumb. “I won’t hurt you.”

I let out a wry laugh. “Little late for that, don’t you think?”

“I would have never hurt you intentionally.”

I rolled my eyes. “Save it for someone who actually believes you, Sasuke. All you’ve ever cared about if your little revenge plot.”

Before I could look back to him, Sasuke’s hand was wrapped around my throat, pushing until my back had slammed against the wall. And even then he didn’t let up the pressure. “You shut your mouth,” he hissed. “You know nothing about that.”

Sasuke used his other hand to hold the one I went to hit him with. “Go. To. Hell.” I gasped out. His hold on my neck slightly loosened.

“You’re infuriatingly thick-headed.”

“You’re infuriatingly stupid.”

Sasuke leaned closer. “Orochimaru makes me go on a lot of errands, you know? And you’re right. Being his errand boy pisses me off.”

I didn’t say anything. Sasuke continued. “And even though it pisses me off, there’s definitely some perks to doing his dirty work.” I rolled my eyes. “You,” he whispered. 

“What about me?” I challenged, although softly. Sasuke’s touch extended away from my throat, reaching up to glide against my cheek and brush through my hair. It took everything in me not to close my eyes and lean into those hands that were so familiar, yet, somehow new and just as exciting. His touch was warm. Not Naruto warm. But the kind of warm that chased the chills of loneliness from my body. The kind that said your mine and I’m yours. 

“Your hair is redder than I remember,” he said, looking back down to me.

“I want to kiss you,” I said.


Merry Christmas. 

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