Chapter Five: Kasumi vs. Michiko

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"Is this really necessary?" My eyes bore into the two girls-too alike for their own good. I blamed Naruto for this. He had gone on some stupid mission, leaving me with them.

Someone would have hell to pay.

"She called me ugly!" Kasumi yelled.

Michiko shrugged, "I was simply stating that I thought you'd be prettier, that's all. I mean, you're really not much to look at."

Kasumi growled, popping her joints in preparation. I sigh, debating on whether I should stay-to prevent them from killing each other-or if I should just go, letting this storm clear its own path.

Selfish tendencies actually out rule this one.

"Whatever. Try not to kill one another." I remind them, with a little wave. Sometimes, I'll have to admit, I could be a little worse than Kakashi.


"Naruto's not here, if that's who you're looking for." I watch as Sakura nervously tidied the flowers in the center of the table, finally back in her old apartment. She always seemed to do that when visited.

But, things were different, now.

"I'm here for you, Sakura." And, I almost don't notice, but there seems to be a faint lift of the corner of her mouth, an almost undetectable smile. But, the young woman quickly corrects herself, her green eyes studying me.

"I had heard you were back. Didn't think you'd come see me, though. Thought it'd be a little while."

"Yeah, well. We're not exactly on the same team, anymore."

"I know Sasuke-"

I shake my head, stopping her. "I've been reassigned."

Her slender eyebrows raise in disbelief. "So, why are you here, then?"

"To make amends."

"Amends?" Slight irritation rises on my skin, less intense than when we were children. But, it was still there-provoked only by her presence.

I've realized a long time ago that I'll never really get over my dislike for Sakura; Sasuke being a main component. But, things were different now. I was past trivial things.

I've matured.

"I know I was never really the nicest, back in our genin days. And, for reasons of my own, I won't apologize. Rather, I want a new start. I've come to see how you've been, Sakura."

She seems confused. "I'm fine."

"You loved him, too."

Sudden realization lightens her face, and her hand immediately drops away from the vase. The nervous fiddling stops altogether.

"It hurts," she murmurs, pink dusting her cheeks.

And I don't get mad.

"I know."

Moments later, I find myself walking back to the training grounds. More or less curious as to how Michiko and Kasumi were fairings.

But really,I guess I was a bit worried. I don't want anything to happen to her-Michiko, I mean. There was no doubt in my mind that Michiko was strong, with her sensory type abilities along with her medical ninjutsu. But, I wasn't sure how she'd fair against Kasumi.

In all reality, I suppose it all depends on how pissed off the pyromaniac really was.

I silently situate myself in one of the nearby trees, carefully concealing myself to where I could still see the two.

With curiosity, I peer down at them, both seeming to ready themselves for another round. And, as far as I could tell, neither was badly bruised.

Kasumi spit out a mouthful of blood, her smile untainted by the crimson that painted her chin. She wiped the remaining residue from her chin, drawing her twin kunai in a ready stance. The metallic finish glinted before faintly glowing with her chakra.

Michiko readied herself in a similar fashion, disregarding the cut she carried on her shoulder. She could easily heal it, later.

However, I suspected Kasumi would be stuck with her busted lip 'til it healed-naturally.

Michiko's palms glowed with a faint, but very distinctive green-her medical ninjutsu being used opposite of its original intention. It was as helpful as it was lethal.

I leaned into the tree, a bit disinterested as Kasumi charged-her screams making it impossible for her to make a discreet attack. Not much of a ninja, if you asked me. I frowned, silently hoping that Michiko would be too far distracted to recognize my chakra signature.

And, once again, I found myself wishing I had taken Sakura's suggestion a little more seriously. Yet, even after three long years, I had still neglected to learn how to mask my chakra. Maybe I had been being a bit too hypocritical when criticizing Kasumi's ability.

But, then again, Michiko would be too focused to notice anything else. And, if I knew Kasumi, she was definitely worthless in the detecting department.

Our team really did have to shape up.

Michiko blocked Kasumi's attack, moving her leg under the girl.

But, instead off falling backwards like anticipated, Kasumi fell towards Michiko-causing them both to tumble to the ground; Kasumi on top.

They both seemed to hold their breath.

Kasumi seemed frozen, her wide blue eyes holding Michiko's in a way that almost made me feel uncomfortable. Would she attack-

Before the scene could fully register to me, I quickly turned away. The image of Kasumi's lips meshed into Michiko's burned into my memory.


OOPS. plot twist. I think. Soooooo, whatchu think about that? KasumixMichiko anyone? Or GaaraxMichiko? Hmm.

Sorry about the delay everyoNe :c #lazyprobs. I know everyone's waiting for Hitomi to reunite with Sasuke, and it's coming! Just be patient <3 Idek sorry for any mistakes, on my ipoddddd.

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