Ardent Acquisition

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Ardent Acquisition 

Chapter One: Back to Konoha

Silently, I stretched- the anticipation stalling any form of sleep. It’s been three long years, and although I’ve matured and slightly bittered, I had grown somewhat homesick. 

Even if a certain brooding idiot wouldn’t be there to welcome me home. 

But, I wouldn’t think of him. Not now. For, I’ve done enough of wallowing in thoughts of Sasuke Uchiha for the past three years. 

Well, more so training, and concentration on more…family-related things. 

“Can’t sleep, huh?” Things like Kasumi. Kasumi Taki. Thin, pessimistic, weird blue hair, with a side of sarcasm. Cousin. 

It was strange, after thirteen years of believing I was alone, it turned out to be something else. Because, I wasn’t alone. In fact, I was an entire clan away from being alone. 

Anko showed me that. 


“Who are you?” I asked, scrutinizing the girl in front of me. She was strange, no more than a year older than me, and already pierced. Two lip rings, to be exact. 


She crossed her arms. “I could ask you the same thing, little siren.” 

We didn’t get along very well, at first. Which, I suppose was to be expected. She was slightly older, taller, and more experienced. 

With a more developed attitude. 

It was a lot for thirteen year old Hitomi to take in, at first. But, when the training started, I didn’t have time to dwell on such miniscule manners- things such as pride. And, the only thing that really drove me to get where I am today was him: Sasuke. That, and the desire to kick his ever-loving ass.

Kasumi let out a short, humorless laugh. “Yeah, well, I think I have a little more reason to be nerve-wracked than you do.”

I sighed. She was right.


~      ~       ~

“Move your lazy ass! We have places to be, y’know?” Anko yelled, kicking Kasumi in her ass. This, in return, only seemed to piss her off. 

As Anko was for her loud-mouthed, off the chart demands, Kasumi was genetically made up of rebellion, I was sure. And, as a pissed off teen such as her self would do, the girl flipped off the older Anko, slowing down her pace a bit. 

And, I suspected that between the two of them, it would take much longer to get home than originally hoped.

“C’mon, Kasumi, before she has a bitch fit.”

Anko crossed her arms. “I do not have bitch fits!”

“Here we go~!“ Kasumi giggled a bit, running to walk alongside me. “So, any cute boys in Konoha?”

I shrugged, “I dunno. I haven’t seen any of them in three years.”

“You’re a lousy friend, you know? You haven’t even talked to anyone in over three years. You won’t have anyone but me if we ever do get there.”

I felt a pang in my chest. What if she was right? In my three year absence, I’ve talked to no one. And, in that time, I had homesick enough to maybe even miss Sakura.



Wow okei this chapter kind of sucks but oops. Last book for Hitomi! :3 You guise are gonna like the next chapter because it’s cute and stuff. If I get bored I’ll probs upload it tonight. Or maybe tomorrow. Because Futurama so oops.  

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