Ch.15: Plan Perfection

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William's POV

Though I hate the girl but she was a genious, now of course I was dead nervous. We were preparing for what seems like hours and everything will get back on track after a couple of days.
I was excited, but still very curious to know how she will react.
What if she rejects me?!

What if she doesn't forgive me for what I did to her?!

Many scenarios were running at once through my head at once.
I felt myself sweating, well I was acting like a five yeard old kid waiting to receive his Christmas gift and a shy girl going out on a date for the first time, all at once.

Well if I wanna make this work I should start acting like a man and grow some balls.

OKAY!!! OKAYYY !!! Let's stop here!!!

It's been a while since I last saw Luna, each time, I pass next to her room, her sent overwhelms me but I always control my lust, cause I thought I should give her some space after all I did, she at least needs that now.

And Mia as well, she's been so busy with the preparations and school that she's been avoiding her, cause we all know she's hyper and can't keep a thing in her mouth, unless its Luna's secrets.
Well I wonder how she's doing?

Luna's POV

My days are getting worst and worst by each second passing, my legs are barely holding me, I barely sleep anymore, spending my nights crying and sobbing.
It was in those days I realised that no one cared for me!!!

My parents died, really loved me but now, I have no one.
Mia, the girl who I thought was my sister, haven't come to see me in days now.
I texted her but she doesn't answer, I called but she hung up on me.

Even John and Brenda haven't visited in a couple of weeks , since that night...

I really always wonder, what did I do wrong to make them treat me that way?
Am I that gross?

I really am dirt, and shit.

And now that I think about it, life has no value whatsoever anymore!

William's POV (sorry for the change in the POVs)

Okay!! Okay!!!
Everything is done and great and I was gonna confess my love for her today!!

Let me tell you what is the plan that me and Mia developed these past days.
Everyone knows that our pack is rich, and I am rich as well, so I bought us a new house, it was more like a mansion, a three story house, with a outdoor and indoor pools, jakuzi.
With Mia's help, I learned a lot about Luna and things that she likes.
Her embarrassing situations in school, her look when she was younger, everything and I loved it. I fell so close to her, I just wished it was her telling me all that!!

I decorated our room just the way she likes it. We surprise had almost the same taste.
U jought her a new wardrobe, and stuff, shampoo, conditioner, perfume, makeup kit, and I putted a makeup desk in the room, heals, converses, a laptop, and the latest Iphone 6+

The house felt like home, I hopes she feels the same about it.
I've thrown red flowers on the floor, and I'll make dinner for her.....


Nervousness was eating me up but the breaking sound of the door made me wake up.

Dad came in the room crying as he stood in front of me.
I quickly stood up and I putted my hands on his shoulders.
"What's wrong dad?" I asked
"Come with me!" He took my hand and he ran through the hallway to his suit!

He stopped before entering the room, to look at me! "Just always remember it was for your best, don't take it out on us!"

he said, what does he means by that? What's happening?
Whats wrong?

But seeing him the way he is, I didn't asked any of those questions instead I just nodded.

He walked in, but I was hesitant to follow him, I wanted to know what's happening but a part of me I jected the idea, maybe because it wasn't something I quite wanna find out.
But I needed to, the way my father was made me curious to know, his face killed me!

So I slowly took a step in, dad with talking with my mom I guess, but I couldn't make sure it was mom, because a nurse was blocking the way.

Why the hell was a nurse doing here?

Than she moved away and I broke down!!!!

New chapter, thank you everyone.
Love the support you're giving to this story! !
Stay strong

====>>>>> Quote of the day, it really means a lot for me, hope it does the same to you.
Sometime just a small quote just like this one make you rebuild your confidence and start over cause Life goes on. ..

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