Chapter 8 - Princess Cynthia's Gardens

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I only wanted to see my younger sister to know how she was faring. She seemed well enough. I expected her to look older after two years. But like everyone else, her appearance had not changed much.

Cynthia had been a candidate for the crown like me and Kazriel (Elian had been too young to partake in the selection). Father chose her for her kindness and her attitude to see the goodness in every bad situation.

It was obvious she did not want it. She did not even try to compete with us. She preferred her flowers, dirtying her own hands with soil even though the gardeners insisted they'd take care of her plants for her.

Cynthia would seldom interact with other people. On those occasions she did, however, she treated them lovingly. She humbled herself before the people. She was not capable of saying no.

'You are as delicate as your flowers. You trust easily. In turn, people abuse your kindness,' I had told her in the past.

Cynthia did not talk back that time. She kept her head low as she knelt by her flower boxes. The rift between us widened even more after that.

A guard was stationed beside an ornately-designed iron gate. He bowed upon seeing us and proceeded to let us through. Anya followed soundlessly on our heels.

This was only one of the many entrances to Cynthia's private gardens. We meandered our way along the pathways, between geraniums and roses and bluebells and many others I did not know.

Overhead, I saw five wisteria trees that were not there two years ago.

"It is breathtaking, Your Highness," I said while she continued leading us through hedges and ivory statues.

I had meant what I said. The place had improved greatly compared to the last time I saw it.

Pride gleamed in Cynthia's grey-blue eyes. "I'm delighted to hear that. You can come here whenever you like."

My brows rose

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My brows rose. "Oh no, I am not sure if I deserve such a privilege."

Cynthia giggled. "I would be happy if you visit my garden from time to time. You can come here whenever you feel like taking a break."

"The view here is very soothing indeed. And the air is rather crisp and refreshing. Can I also drop by and hide here to shake off my pursuers?"

She laughed before the realization came, her grin disappearing from her mouth. She put her hands behind her and averted her gaze. She sighed.

"Lady Elizabeth has been meaning to be close with me for quite some time now."

"You do not want to be friends with her?"

Cynthia caressed a dahlia's petals with her fingers. "She is a lovely girl. But she only ever talks about herself and how her day went on. I also know she only wants to use me to gain favor with the Emperor. It is not like Kazriel and I have that kind of relationship anyway."

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