Chapter 58 - His Sacrifice

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Kovu was the one who brought me back. My soul's transmigration was undoubtedly the work of magic. How hadn't I pondered over that specific possibility? All the while, I presumed the gods were toying with me more than this being another chance at life. When in fact, it was due to my royal mage's undying love and loyalty. I had unconsciously invalidated his efforts.

Kovu recounted everything that had happened to him from start to finish. From his long pursuit of spells, the day he caught my soul and trapped it in a bottle—I didn't know how to feel about that—until the end of his spellcasting. He'd had to replenish his magic so he went to the East, where there was a high concentration of magical energy for the past few months. Here, he heard of the trouble stirring in the capital. He met with the Grand Duke and aided in the "preparations".

Each one of us listened with immense focus, wanting to be enlightened. Even Anya, who had struggled to sink it all in earlier, nodded in understanding."It's by great luck, really." He explained. "That your soul entered a body with a face similar to yours."

Indeed, it had been a peculiar twist of fate that I got into Clarisse Lorraine's body, Rassvyn's lover and the girl who had a hand in plotting my death. Perhaps I still believed this was some kind of silly joke. I'd learned to forgive her. Loneliness was cruel and Rassvyn had given her a temporary cure. It was saddening that her life had ended with gloom and despair. May her soul be at peace as she'd wished in the last entry of her journal.

My stomach had been queasy and strange when I thought of the things Kovu had to go through. He saved me from disappearing forever. But in the process, he'd had to pay a price for my salvation. It was a price that shouldn't be taken easily.

"And in return for me standing here, alive and well," I said, my throat dry as sand. "You traded ten years of your life."

I was nothing but grateful to him, and I was certain that I'd do the same for him and everyone I held dear. Yet the fact that he never gave up the idea of seeing me again touched untouchable, uncharted places in my heart. It shone light to the farthest, darkest pits of my being.

"It's only an estimation. But yes, I've shortened my lifespan. That's magic for you—a life for a life." Kovu shrugged, as though it was nothing. "It's a small sacrifice to offer, my Empress. I'm just awfully happy it worked. Soul Magic is the trickiest of the arcane arts."

The world spun, I was finding it difficult to hold myself together. I wanted to thank him. I wanted to cry. First, it had been Derek. Then Anya. And everyone here with me. They'd put their lives in the line for me. How did I deserve such wonderful people?

"You should be a martyr," Elian commented from the side.

"Shut up, princeling," Kovu retorted. "You would've done what I did."

"I don't have magic."

"How unfortunate."

"Elian," Cynthia chided. "Must you argue with everyone who helped out our sister?"

"He's simply jealous that his sister is showing favor to someone else," Theon teased.

Elian snorted. "Actually, she's most thankful to me. Have you forgotten? I'm the reason why we met her. I basically brought her to the palace."

"Yes," Cynthia said dryly. "By proposing to her."

"You can stand not to mention that," said Elian, wincing.

"I'd like to mention it more." Theon chuckled faintly. "To remind you."

"Ah, you're going to regret that." Elian winked. "You weren't exactly pleased with the whole marriage business, either."

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