Chapter 55 - How Are You Here?

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"You are sickening," I said, revolted to unfathomable heights. "She loved you. She only had you. Yet you repaid her by casting her aside once you were done with her."

I had only lived in the Viscount's manor for two months, but it had been clear to me what kind of life Clarisse had led. Especially with her mother chastising me in her stead nonstop for being so reclusive and dull, for being "different". It did not affect me but I couldn't deign to imagine how she got through with it.

So when Rass entered her life, she'd seen him as the ray of light vanishing the shadows cast by her loneliness. She sought validity, he made her feel special. He was her sole purpose, and with him gone she believed she had no more meaning in life. That's always how these types of stories went.

Rass snorted and smacked his knee. He hollered a crazed laughter, his irises flickering with astonishment. But not the good kind. "The tyrant Empress dares speak of love? Listen to yourself, Athelina! Have you finally lost it?"

"You were the one who gave me that title," I seethed, furious. "You manipulated everyone into hating me."

"Wrong." He clicked his tongue. "I simply cultivated it. Their scorn and disapproval had long taken root, all I needed to do was nurture it and watch how their hate grew bigger. Big enough to decide they were fed up with your tyranny."

"Tyranny," I repeated, blinking.

"You slew their acquaintances, officials who were friends with other officials."

"They were power-hungry men! Corrupt and selfish. They did not deserve a place in my court—"

"During your reign, the halls flooded with the blood of those who opposed you. They wanted an Empress, not a butcher." Rass' mouth was set in a grim line. "War had permanently put a dark stain on your soul. You did not care who and why you killed. That is what they had realized two years ago, Athelina. You are even content with the thought of Derek, alone, in a dank cell. See how the word 'love' doesn't suit you?"

If I could muffle the sound of his voice, I would have. What he said had churned my stomach, leaving dread and guilt in its wake. I shook my head. He was getting into my mind and he was doing a damn good job at it. This was Rass, expert puller of strings. I would not let him have his way with me.

I rolled my eyes to the ceiling. "Look at you, acting so righteous and wise. You think you're so much better than me."

"Actually, yes." He smiled sweetly, but his gaze darkened. The smile was unnerving. "I am better than you. I will be so much better than you and Kazriel."

My heart lurched. "Don't you lay a finger on my brother."

He chuckled, cocking his head to the side. "Still used to giving orders, aren't you? If I were in your place, I'd beg."

"Not a chance."

Rass exhaled, as though he was getting tired. "I won't do anything to him. Not unless you give me what I came here for."

I shot him a wary glance. "I've nothing to offer you."

"Enough of the theatricals. Answer my question." His cheerful mask slipped off, replaced by a cold demeanor. "How are you here?"

It was a question that included more questions. How was I alive? How did I replace Clarisse's body? Why did it have to be my soul and not someone else's? Derek hadn't even asked me those. The shock on his face was overridden by immense love and fondness and wonder and... relief. I hadn't gotten the chance to let the transitions of his expressions sink in, and recalling it now caused a painful sting in my chest.

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